Oracle Appliactions 11i concepts(一) - Application 基本架構(2)
Oracle Appliactions 11i concepts(一) - Application 基本架構(2)
Oracle Appliactions 11i concepts(二) - Application File System(1)[@more@]
Oracle Appliactions 11i concepts(一) - Application 基本架構(2)
1. Reports Server Architecture
Browser - > web listener -> Reprots cgi -> reports server ->
reports runtime engine -> datafile -> reports runtime engine ->
reports server -> reports cgi(reports output) -> Web listener -> Browser
2. Discoverer Server
3. Concurrent Processing Server
Types of Concurrent Manager
ICM: Internal Concurrent Manager
CRM: Conflict Resolution Manager
Standard Manager
Transaction Managers
Concurrent Processing Database Tables
PCP: Parallel Concurrent Processing
4. Admin Server
- Upgrading Oracle Applications
- Applying Database patches to Oracle Applications
- Maintaining Oracle Applications Data
5. Daily Business Intelligence (DBI)
6. The Database Tier
- 就是平常意義上的DB ,只不過Applications and Help 的資料也存到裡面了
7. The Oracle Applications Technology Layer
Oracle Applications DBA(AD)
- AD Administraion
- AD Merge PATCH
- AutoConfig
- AutoPatch
- AutoUpgrade
- Rapid Clone
- Rapid install
Oracle Applications Object Library(FND)
Oracle Applications Utilities(AU)
Oracle Common Modules(AK)
Oracle Workflow(WF)
Oracle Alert(ALR)
Oracle Applications Framework(FWK)
Oracle XML Publisher(XDO)
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來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- Oracle 19c Concepts(16):Application and Oracle Net Services ArchitectureOracleAPP
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part I-2)Oracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part III-2)Oracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part V-2)Oracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(00):Changes in This Release for Oracle Database ConceptsOracleDatabase
- Oracle 19c Concepts(18):Concepts for Database AdministratorsOracleDatabase
- Oracle 19c Concepts(19):Concepts for Database DevelopersOracleDatabaseDeveloper
- StarRocks基本架構原理架構
- Oracle 19c Concepts(01):Introduction to Oracle DatabaseOracleDatabase
- Oracle 19c Concepts(13):Oracle Database InstanceOracleDatabase
- MySQL各版本架構圖MySql架構
- Webpack基本架構淺析Web架構
- 1.OpenDaylight基本架構架構
- Oracle 19c Concepts(10):TransactionsOracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(07):SQLOracleSQL
- nacos基本架構和安裝架構
- Oracle 19c Concepts(14):Memory ArchitectureOracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(15):Process ArchitectureOracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(05):Data IntegrityOracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(09):Data Concurrency and ConsistencyOracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(02):Tables and Table ClustersOracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part III-1)Oracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part V-1)Oracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part V-3)Oracle
- Oracle 20C Concepts(Part V-4)Oracle
- Oracle 19c Concepts(11):Physical Storage StructuresOracleStruct
- Oracle 19c Concepts(12):Logical Storage StructuresOracleStruct
- 超融合基本架構簡單定義架構
- Oracle 19c Concepts(17):Topics for Database Administrators and DevelopersOracleDatabaseDeveloper
- The Range of Application2APP
- Oracle 19c Concepts(03):Indexes and Index-Organized TablesOracleIndexZed
- Oracle 19c Concepts(04):Partitions, Views, and Other Schema ObjectsOracleViewObject
- Oracle 19c Concepts(06):Data Dictionary and Dynamic Performance ViewsOracleORMView
- Split Brain in Oracle Clusterware and Real Application ClusterAIOracleAPP
- 2-Overview-Concepts (k8s 概念)ViewK8S
- vivo服務端監控老版本架構設計服務端架構
- [原始碼解析] 訊息佇列 Kombu 之 基本架構原始碼佇列架構
- Oracle 19c Concepts(08):Server-Side Programming: PL/SQL and JavaOracleServerIDESQLJava
- oracle11grac基礎結構Oracle