微軟:盜版Windows警告標語[@more@] 微軟已經在其官方網頁上公佈了針對盜版Windows的彈出通知錯誤資訊內容:
It appears that you could be a victim of software piracy. The copy of Windows installed on this computer is not considered to be genuine by Microsoft.
The notification will continue to display until your computer is running genuine Microsoft Windows. ---
You might be the victim of software piracy.
The copy of Windows installed on this computer is not considered to be genuine by Microsoft. ---“你也許已經成為軟體盜版的受害者,您計算機上執行的Windows並非正版。”
It appears that you could be a victim of software piracy. The copy of Windows installed on this computer is not considered to be genuine by Microsoft.
The notification will continue to display until your computer is running genuine Microsoft Windows. ---
You might be the victim of software piracy.
The copy of Windows installed on this computer is not considered to be genuine by Microsoft. ---“你也許已經成為軟體盜版的受害者,您計算機上執行的Windows並非正版。”
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10901326/viewspace-965445/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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