1)korn shell (ksh) - .profile .kshrc
2)bourne shell (sh) - .profile
3)c shell (csh) - .cshrc .login
4)bash shell (bash) - .bash_profile .bash_login .profile
例如:bash進的讀取順序: $HOME/.profile-->/etc/profile
bash is a bit different from sh.
whenever the user log in the system, bash will look for .bash_profile; if it doesn't exist, it will look for bash_login; if it still doesn't exist, then it will look for .profile. if it can find none of them, finally it uses /etc/profile.
of course, those files are under ${HOME} except /etc/profile.
1)korn shell (ksh) - .profile .kshrc
2)bourne shell (sh) - .profile
3)c shell (csh) - .cshrc .login
4)bash shell (bash) - .bash_profile .bash_login .profile
例如:bash進的讀取順序: $HOME/.profile-->/etc/profile
bash is a bit different from sh.
whenever the user log in the system, bash will look for .bash_profile; if it doesn't exist, it will look for bash_login; if it still doesn't exist, then it will look for .profile. if it can find none of them, finally it uses /etc/profile.
of course, those files are under ${HOME} except /etc/profile.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10617542/viewspace-946063/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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