Ubuntu 7.04提上日程,代號Feisty Fawn(轉)

Ubuntu 7.04提上日程,代號Feisty Fawn(轉)[@more@]作者:R0meal編譯 來自:Chinaunix
在Ubuntu創始人Mark Shuttleworth發到郵件列表的信中寫道,隨著最新版本的Ubuntu6.10即將釋出,預期釋出時間是2006年的10月26日,下一個Ubuntu版本7.04也提上了議事日程,該發行版預定發行日期是2007年的4月19日。

在新的發行版週期中,我們將不斷的擴充在Edgy發行版本中採用的基礎架構,但是同時我們也將不斷嘗試和建立幾個新的令人激動的發展方向。這種躍躍欲試和心神不定的心態同樣也出現在小鹿的身上,因為她們對這個未知的世界充滿了好奇,而且用她們沒有偏見的眼光打量著這個世界。正是因為這種精神,我們的Ubuntu 7.04版本的代號就命名為The Feisty Fawn(狂躁不安的小鹿?)


From: Mark Shuttleworth
To: ubuntu-devel-announce-AT-lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Planning for Ubuntu 7.04 - the "Feisty Fawn"
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 20:48:22 +0100

Salve, Ubuntero's

With the final release of Ubuntu 6.10 approaching, and apparently set
to be spot on schedule October 26th, we're starting to look beyond
it to Ubuntu 7.04, scheduled for release on 19 April 2007.

In the next cycle we'll expand on the brand new infrastructure that has
landed in Edgy as well as branching out in some exciting new directions.
This combination of courage and restlessness is also found in a young deer
that sets out to explore a world that is new and exciting - seeing the
world through eyes unprejudiced by what has gone before.

In that spirit, the release will be be code named "The Feisty Fawn".

The main themes for feature development in this release will be
improvements to hardware support in the laptop, desktop and high-end
server market, and aggressive adoption of emerging desktop technologies.
Ubuntu's Feisty release will put the spotlight on multimedia enablement
and desktop effects. We expect this to be a very gratifying release for
both users and developers. Detailed planning will take place at the
developer summit next month in Mountain View, California. Please join
us there to help shape the Feisty Fawn!

This will be our sixth release, marking the third anniversary of the
project's inception, and will be a return to our standard six-month release
schedule following the shortened catch-up cycle used for 6.10.

Edgy has been a wild ride, with some remarkable achievements (nothing
like re-inventing and substantially improving on init!). Feisty will
be a little more focused on features that are very visible to end-users.

We welcome new participants in our community - whatever your talent we
look forward to working with you! Jono Bacon, our new community lead,
will find a way to make sure your contribution is well received.


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