Sun提供Java 1.5新特性原型實現下載 (轉)

Sun提供Java 1.5新特性原型實現下載 (轉)[@more@]An early access implementation of new 1.5 language features is available. In this version of prototype for JSR014, JSR 65 Concise -Array Literals (usually referred to varargs) and JSR 201 Extending the Programming Language with Enumerations, Autoboxing, Enhanced for ls and Static Import are also supported. In addition, Variance concept for generic types and array types are introduced so that you may program Java codes in a more abstract and integral fashion.

You can this exciting implementation from

It requires J2SE 1.4.1 or later and provs some examples on how to actually use enum, varargs, foreach style loop, boxing-unboxing, static import, and so on.

This early access must be bliss for those who can’t wait for Tiger beta which is going to appear in 4th quarter.

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