check_postgres.pl是一個 Perl 指令碼,它針對一個或多個PG資料庫執行許多不同的測試檢查。使用 psql 程式收集資訊。
[postgres@t1ysl ~]$ ll total 208 -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres dba 209715 Aug 10 2021 check_postgres.tar.gz
[postgres@t1ysl ~]$ tar -xf check_postgres.tar.gz [postgres@t1ysl ~]$ ll total 208 drwxr-xr-x 3 postgres dba 289 Feb 4 2020 check_postgres-2.25.0 -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres dba 209715 Aug 10 2021 check_postgres.tar.gz
[root@t1ysl ~]# yum install perl-DBI perl-DBD-Pg perl-DBD-Pg-tests perl-Time-HiRes -y Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates:
[root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# perl Makefile.PL Configuring check_postgres 2.25.0 Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: MYMETA.json MYMETA.yml Please inform the author. Writing Makefile for check_postgres [root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# make cp blib/script/ /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/ Manifying blib/man1/check_postgres.1p [root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# make install Appending installation info to /usr/lib64/perl5/perllocal.pod [root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# mkdir -p /opt/check_postgres/bin [root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# chown postgres:postgres /opt/check_postgres/ -R [root@t1ysl check_postgres-2.25.0]# su - postgres Last login: Mon Jul 26 06:16:02 CST 2021 on pts/1 [postgres@t1ysl ~]$ cd /opt/check_postgres/bin/ [postgres@t1ysl bin]$ --symlinks Created "check_postgres_archive_ready" Created "check_postgres_autovac_freeze" Created "check_postgres_backends" Created "check_postgres_bloat" Created "check_postgres_checkpoint" Created "check_postgres_cluster_id" Created "check_postgres_commitratio" Created "check_postgres_connection" Created "check_postgres_custom_query" Created "check_postgres_database_size" [postgres@t1ysl bin]$ ll total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_archive_ready -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_autovac_freeze -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_backends -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_bloat -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_checkpoint -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_cluster_id -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_commitratio -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_connection -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_custom_query -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_database_size -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_dbstats -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_disabled_triggers -> /usr/local/bin/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres dba 32 Jul 26 07:21 check_postgres_disk_space -> /usr/local/bin/check_postgres.p
[postgres@t1ysl bin]$ ./check_postgres_txn_idle --port=6000 --warning='+50' --critical='5 for 10 seconds' POSTGRES_TXN_IDLE OK: DB "postgres" (host:/opt/data6000) (port=6000) no idle in transaction | time=0.01s transaction_time=0;;10 [postgres@t1ysl bin]$ ./check_postgres_locks --warning=100 --critical="total=200:exclusive=20" POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB "postgres" (host:/opt/data6000) (port=6000) total=1 | time=0.00s postgres.exclusive=0;;20;100;200 template1.exclusive=0;;20;100;200 [postgres@t1ysl bin]$ --action=connection --db=postgres POSTGRES_CONNECTION OK: DB "postgres" (host:/opt/data6000) (port=6000) version 12.1 | time=0.00s [postgres@t1ysl bin]$ ./check_postgres_query_time --port=6000 --warning='3 minutes' --critical='5 minutes' POSTGRES_QUERY_TIME OK: DB "postgres" (host:/opt/data6000) (port=6000) longest query: 0s | time=0.01s query_time=0s;180;300
archive_ready - Check the number of WAL files ready in the pg_xlog/archive_status autovac_freeze - Checks how close databases are to autovacuum_freeze_max_age. backends - Number of connections, compared to max_connections. bloat - Check for table and index bloat. checkpoint - Checks how long since the last checkpoint cluster_id - Checks the Database System Identifier commitratio - Report if the commit ratio of a database is too low. connection - Simple connection check. custom_query - Run a custom query. database_size - Report if a database is too big. dbstats - Returns stats from pg_stat_database: Cacti output only disabled_triggers - Check if any triggers are disabled disk_space - Checks space of local disks Postgres is using. fsm_pages - Checks percentage of pages used in free space map. fsm_relations - Checks percentage of relations used in free space map. hitratio - Report if the hit ratio of a database is too low. hot_standby_delay - Check the replication delay in hot standby setup index_size - Checks the size of indexes only. last_analyze - Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been analyzed. last_autoanalyze - Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been autoanalyzed. last_autovacuum - Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been autovacuumed. last_vacuum - Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been vacuumed. listener - Checks for specific listeners. locks - Checks the number of locks. logfile - Checks that the logfile is being written to correctly. new_version_bc - Checks if a newer version of Bucardo is available. new_version_box - Checks if a newer version of boxinfo is available. new_version_cp - Checks if a newer version of is available. new_version_pg - Checks if a newer version of Postgres is available. new_version_tnm - Checks if a newer version of tail_n_mail is available. pgagent_jobs - Check for no failed pgAgent jobs within a specified period of time. pgb_pool_cl_active - Check the number of active clients in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_cl_waiting - Check the number of waiting clients in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_maxwait - Check the current maximum wait time for client connections in pgbouncer pools. pgb_pool_sv_active - Check the number of active server connections in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_sv_idle - Check the number of idle server connections in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_sv_login - Check the number of login server connections in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_sv_tested - Check the number of tested server connections in each pgbouncer pool. pgb_pool_sv_used - Check the number of used server connections in each pgbouncer pool. pgbouncer_backends - Check how many clients are connected to pgbouncer compared to max_client_conn. pgbouncer_checksum - Check that no pgbouncer settings have changed since the last check. prepared_txns - Checks number and age of prepared transactions. query_runtime - Check how long a specific query takes to run. query_time - Checks the maximum running time of current queries. relation_size - Checks the size of tables and indexes. replicate_row - Verify a simple update gets replicated to another server. same_schema - Verify that two databases have the exact same tables, columns, etc. sequence - Checks remaining calls left in sequences. settings_checksum - Check that no settings have changed since the last check. slony_status - Ensure Slony is up to date via sl_status. table_size - Checks the size of tables only. timesync - Compare database time to local system time. txn_idle - Checks the maximum "idle in transaction" time. txn_time - Checks the maximum open transaction time. txn_wraparound - See how close databases are getting to transaction ID wraparound. version - Check for proper Postgres version. wal_files - Check the number of WAL files in the pg_xlog directory
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