@name:= underlineToCamel(t.COLUMN_NAME) '列名',
@type := case
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar','char','text','longtext','mediumtext','mediumblob') then 'String'
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('int','tinyint','integer','smallint') then 'Integer'
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('bigint') then 'Long'
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('bit') then 'Boolean'
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('date','datetime','timestamp') then 'Date'
when t.DATA_TYPE in ('double','decimal') then 'BigDecimal'
else '' end as 'java型別',
@memo:= t.COLUMN_COMMENT '列描述',
CONCAT('/** ', t.COLUMN_COMMENT ,' */ private ', @type, ' ', underlineToCamel(t.COLUMN_NAME), '; ' ) as 'java類',
@type2 := case
when @type = 'String' then 'VARCHAR'
when @type = 'Integer' then 'INTEGER'
when @type = 'Date' then 'TIMESTAMP'
when @type = 'BigDecimal' then 'DECIMAL'
else ''
end as 'mybatis型別',
WHEN t.COLUMN_KEY = 'PRI' THEN CONCAT('<id column="', t.COLUMN_NAME ,'" property="', @name, '" jdbcType="', @type2, '" />' )
ELSE CONCAT('<result column="', t.COLUMN_NAME ,'" property="', @name, '" jdbcType="', @type2, '" />' )
END as 'BaseResultMap',
CONCAT(t.COLUMN_NAME, " AS ", @name, ",") as 'SELECT',
CONCAT('#{', @name, '},') AS 'VALUES',
CONCAT( t.COLUMN_NAME ,' = #{', @name, '},') as 'SET',
CONCAT( '<if test="', @name, ' !=null and ', @name, " !=''", '" > \n and ', t.COLUMN_NAME,' = #{',@name,'}\n</if>') AS 'IF SET',
@type3 := case
when @type = 'String' then 'StringValue'
when @type = 'Integer' then 'Int32Value'
when @type = 'Date' then 'Timestamp'
when @type = 'BigDecimal' then 'DoubleValue'
else ''
end as 'proto型別',
CONCAT('google.protobuf.', @type3, ' ', @name, ' = ', (@i:=@i+1), ';') as 'proto',
@len:= REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTR(t.COLUMN_TYPE, LOCATE('(', t.COLUMN_TYPE)),'(', ''), ')', '') AS '長度',
@nullflg := if(t.IS_NULLABLE = 'YES', 'N', 'Y') as '是否為NUll',
CONCAT('| ',@name,
' | ', @memo,
' | ', @type,
' | ', @nullflg,
' | ', @len,
' | |' ) 'api文件'
from information_schema.columns t
where 1=1
and t.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'sur_train'
and table_name = 'sur_ai_scene';