Oracle Critical Patch Update for October 2022
October 18, 2022
Oracle Critical Patch Update for October 2022
Dear Oracle Customer,
The Critical Patch Update for October 2022 was released on October 18, 2022.
Oracle strongly recommends applying the patches as soon as possible.
If you are new to this process, please review Oracle's Security Fixing Policies
and the Critical Patch Update Advisory. After reviewing these resources,
if you are unable to determine if you require a software update,
or how to apply it, please contact Oracle Support.
The Critical Patch Update Advisory is the starting point for relevant information.
It includes the list of products affected, pointers to obtain the patches,
a summary of the security vulnerabilities for each product suite,
and links to other important documents. Supported products that are not listed
in the "Affected Products and Components" section of the advisory do not require new patches to be applied.
Also, it is essential to review the Critical Patch Update supporting documentation
referenced in the Advisory before applying patches, as this is where you can find important pertinent information.
Critical Patch Update Advisories are available at the following location:
Oracle Technical Resources (Formerly Oracle Technology Network):
Oracle Cloud Customers should review:
The Critical Patch Update Advisory for October 2022 is available at the following location:
Oracle Technical Resources:
Important information can also be found at:
Oracle's Security Fixing Policies are available at the following location:
The next four dates for Critical Patch Updates are:
January 17, 2023
April 18, 2023
July 18, 2023
October 17, 2023
Thank you,
Customer Support of Oracle Corporation
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