記一次12c pdb打補丁失敗處理過程
[17:46:17]SXSBK: Error in bootstrap log /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_204978_2020_08_27_17_43_51/bootstrap1_SXSBCDB_SXSBK.log: [17:46:17] Error at line 79: ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'ODIN.ODTAC_SOURCELOG' [17:46:17] Error at line 80: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 [17:46:17] Error at line 81: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ODIN"."ODDS_SOURCELOG"."IP_ADDRESS") [17:46:17] Error at line 82: ORA-06512: at line 18 [17:46:17] Error at line 108: ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'ODIN.ODTAC_SOURCELOG' [17:46:17] Error at line 109: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 [17:46:17] Error at line 110: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ODIN"."ODDS_SOURCELOG"."IP_ADDRESS") [17:46:17] Error at line 111: ORA-06512: at line 18
[oracle@sxrsj01 OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose SQL Patching tool version Production on Fri Aug 28 18:35:56 2020 Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_313452_2020_08_28_18_35_56/sqlpatch_invocation.log Connecting to database...OK Note: Datapatch will only apply or rollback SQL fixes for PDBs that are in an open state, no patches will be applied to closed PDBs. Please refer to Note: Datapatch: Database 12c Post Patch SQL Automation (Doc ID 1585822.1) Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done Determining current state...done ate of SQL patches:Current st ies serDBJAN2020RUR: alled in the binary Not inst registry and not installed in any PDB ies DBRU: Bundle ser 5 in the binary reg ID 19011istry and ID 190115 in PDB CDB$ROOT, ID 190115 in PDB PDB$SEED, ID 190115 in PDB SXGGFW, ID 190115 in PDB SXJHK, ID 190115 in PDB SXYTH, ID 190115 in PDB SXJCK, ID 190115 in PDB SXRCJY, ID 190115 in PDB SXSBK ches to installatioAdding patn queue and performing prereq checks... on queue: Installati following PDBs: CDB For the $ROOT PDB$SEED SXGGFW SXJHK SXYTH SXJCK SXRCJY SXSBK g to roll back Nothin g to apply Nothin
執行datapatch -verbose自動回退19年補丁,修復了所有補丁,但是最後一個資料量最大的pdb依舊是受限模式,由於業務需要使用資料庫,臨時授予所有業務使用者臨時訪問受限模式資料庫許可權:
Grant restricted session to user;
回退以後執行datapatch -verbose -pdb sxsbk,需要很長時間,後發現ogg在執行,故停止ogg,問題依舊沒有解決。
[oracle@sxrsj01 OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose -pdbs SXSBK SQL Patching tool version Production on Fri Aug 28 20:23:37 2020 Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_209827_2020_08_28_20_23_37/sqlpatch_invocation.log Connecting to database...OK Note: Datapatch will only apply or rollback SQL fixes for PDBs that are in an open state, no patches will be applied to closed PDBs. Please refer to Note: Datapatch: Database 12c Post Patch SQL Automation (Doc ID 1585822.1) Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done Determining current state...done Current state of SQL patches: Bundle series Not installed in the binary registry and not installed in any PDB Bundle series DBRU: ID 190115 in the binary registry and ID 190115 with errors in PDB SXSBK Adding patches to installation queue and performing prereq checks... Installation queue: For the following PDBs: SXSBK Nothing to roll back The following patches will be applied: 28822515 (DATABASE JAN 2019 RELEASE UPDATE Installing patches... Patch installation complete. Total patches installed: 1 Validating logfiles... Patch 28822515 apply (pdb SXSBK): WITH ERRORS logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/28822515/22636216/28822515_apply_SXSBCDB_SXSBK_2020Aug28_20_24_43.log (errors) Error at line 3897: Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors. Error at line 3903: 3073/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored Error at line 3904: 3073/21 PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to Error at line 3928: Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors. Error at line 3934: 24/12 PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor 'GET_OPTIONAL_PRIVILEGES' is Error at line 4315: Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors. Error at line 4321: 18788/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored Error at line 4322: 18788/33 PLS-00302: component 'COMMON_SECTIONS_INITIALIZED' must be Error at line 4325: 18792/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored Error at line 4326: 18792/29 PLS-00302: component 'COMMON_SECTIONS_INITIALIZED' must be
Please refer to MOS Note 1609718.1 and/or the invocation log
for information on how to resolve the above errors.
SQL Patching tool complete on Fri Aug 28 20:25:53 2020
查詢mos: datapatch Fails with Error: "ORA-04063" or "ORA-06508" or "ORA-29913 ,KUP-00600"or "KUP-04020" (Doc ID 1948198.1)
External Table OPATCH_XML_INV is corrupted . or OPATCH_XML_INV does not exists: SQL> select * from OPATCH_XML_INV ; select * from OPATCH_XML_INV * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist or Readsize is less.
Always use the latest opatch tool :
1)Need to check if the external table exists using the following :
If it exists then drop it:
2) Recreate the table:
(Provided greater readsize)
Execute the following DDL :
For Unix
CREATE TABLE opatch_xml_inv ( xml_inventory CLOB ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL ( TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY opatch_script_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE READSIZE 67108864 preprocessor opatch_script_dir:'qopiprep.bat' BADFILE opatch_script_dir:'qopatch_bad.bad' LOGFILE opatch_log_dir:'qopatch_log.log' FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'UIJSVTBOEIZBEFFQBL' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL REJECT ROWS WITH ALL NULL FIELDS ( xml_inventory CHAR(100000000) ) ) LOCATION(opatch_script_dir:'qopiprep.bat') ) PARALLEL 1 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
For Windows :
CREATE TABLE opatch_xml_inv ( xml_inventory CLOB ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL ( TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY opatch_script_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE DISABLE_DIRECTORY_LINK_CHECK READSIZE 67108864 preprocessor opatch_script_dir:'qopiprep.bat' BADFILE opatch_script_dir:'qopatch_bad.bad' LOGFILE opatch_log_dir:'qopatch_log.log' FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'UIJSVTBOEIZBEFFQBL' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL REJECT ROWS WITH ALL NULL FIELDS ( xml_inventory CHAR(100000000) ) ) LOCATION(opatch_script_dir:'qopiprep.bat') ) PARALLEL 1 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
3)Execute the following to compile the DBMS_QOPATCH:
alter package sys.DBMS_QOPATCH compile body ; set long 20000 longchunksize 20000 pagesize 0 linesize 1000 feedback off verify off trimspool on column ddl format a1000 set long 20000 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','OPATCH_XML_INV','SYS') from dual;
4)The package body 'DBMS_QOPATCH' and table 'opatch_xml_inv' should be VALID .
SQL> select owner, object_name,object_type,status FROM dba_objects where object_name in ('DBMS_QOPATCH' ,'OPATCH_XML_INV');
Also check Components CATALOG and CATPROC are VALID
SQL> select comp_id, status, version from dba_registry;
5)Execute the : datapatch
./datapatch -verbose
Note: If it's a CDB .Then need to execute following commands for each PDB:
a)SQL> alter session set container=<PDB> ; b)SQL> show con_name ===> Show return PDB name c)SQL>exec dbms_pdb.exec_as_oracle_script('drop table SYS.OPATCH_XML_INV'); d)SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catqitab.sql e) Execute the following to compile the DBMS_QOPATCH: SQL>alter package sys.DBMS_QOPATCH compile body ;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/23825935/viewspace-2716624/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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