透過Configuration Wizard配置好一個服務後,啟動該服務,然後CMD顯示如下資訊:
<2003-12-16 上午11時08分20秒 CST> <Warning> <WebLogicServer> <BEA
ame:, maps to multiple IP addresses:,192.168.
<2003-12-16 上午11時08分20秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-
"ListenThread.Default" listening on port 7001, ip address *.*>
Error 404--Not Found
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
<2003-12-16 上午11時08分20秒 CST> <Warning> <WebLogicServer> <BEA
ame:, maps to multiple IP addresses:,192.168.
<2003-12-16 上午11時08分20秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-
"ListenThread.Default" listening on port 7001, ip address *.*>
Error 404--Not Found
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
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