Java UDP伺服器和客戶端原始碼 -javarevisited
public class UDPServer{ // Server UDP socket runs at this port public final static int SERVICE_PORT=50001; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ try{ // Instantiate a new DatagramSocket to receive responses from the client DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(SERVICE_PORT); /* Create buffers to hold sending and receiving data. It temporarily stores data in case of communication delays */ byte[] receivingDataBuffer = new byte[1024]; byte[] sendingDataBuffer = new byte[1024]; /* Instantiate a UDP packet to store the client data using the buffer for receiving data*/ DatagramPacket inputPacket = new DatagramPacket(receivingDataBuffer, receivingDataBuffer.length); System.out.println("Waiting for a client to connect..."); // Receive data from the client and store in inputPacket serverSocket.receive(inputPacket); // Printing out the client sent data String receivedData = new String(inputPacket.getData()); System.out.println("Sent from the client: "+receivedData); /* * Convert client sent data string to upper case, * Convert it to bytes * and store it in the corresponding buffer. */ sendingDataBuffer = receivedData.toUpperCase().getBytes(); // Obtain client's IP address and the port InetAddress senderAddress = inputPacket.getAddress(); int senderPort = inputPacket.getPort(); // Create new UDP packet with data to send to the client DatagramPacket outputPacket = new DatagramPacket( sendingDataBuffer, sendingDataBuffer.length, senderAddress,senderPort ); // Send the created packet to client serverSocket.send(outputPacket); // Close the socket connection serverSocket.close(); } catch (SocketException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } |
import; import; import; import; import; public class UDPClient{ /* The server port to which the client socket is going to connect */ public final static int SERVICE_PORT = 50001; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ try{ /* Instantiate client socket. No need to bind to a specific port */ DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket(); // Get the IP address of the server InetAddress IPAddress = InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); // Creating corresponding buffers byte[] sendingDataBuffer = new byte[1024]; byte[] receivingDataBuffer = new byte[1024]; /* Converting data to bytes and storing them in the sending buffer */ String sentence = "Hello from UDP client"; sendingDataBuffer = sentence.getBytes(); // Creating a UDP packet DatagramPacket sendingPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendingDataBuffer,sendingDataBuffer.length,IPAddress, SERVICE_PORT); // sending UDP packet to the server clientSocket.send(sendingPacket); // Get the server response .i.e. capitalized sentence DatagramPacket receivingPacket = new DatagramPacket(receivingDataBuffer,receivingDataBuffer.length); clientSocket.receive(receivingPacket); // Printing the received data String receivedData = new String(receivingPacket.getData()); System.out.println("Sent from the server: "+receivedData); // Closing the socket connection with the server clientSocket.close(); } catch(SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } |
Waiting for a client to connect... Sent from the client: Hello from UDP client |
sent from the server: HELLO FROM UDP CLIENT |
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