2291325[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 131. Error message: Element type "Deadline" must b
e declared.
2291345[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 132. Error message: Element type "DeadlineConditio
n" must be declared.
2291375[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 133. Error message: Element type "ExceptionName" m
ust be declared.
2291385[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 135. Error message: Element type "Deadline" must b
e declared.
2291425[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 136. Error message: Element type "DeadlineConditio
n" must be declared.
2291455[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 137. Error message: Element type "ExceptionName" m
ust be declared.
2291475[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 155. Error message: The content of element type "A
ctivity" must match "(Description?,Limit?,(Route|Implementation),Performer?,Star
在規範中的“最終期限”已經明確的解釋,為什麼伺服器還提示“must be declared”。謝謝!
2291325[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 131. Error message: Element type "Deadline" must b
e declared.
2291345[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 132. Error message: Element type "DeadlineConditio
n" must be declared.
2291375[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 133. Error message: Element type "ExceptionName" m
ust be declared.
2291385[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 135. Error message: Element type "Deadline" must b
e declared.
2291425[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 136. Error message: Element type "DeadlineConditio
n" must be declared.
2291455[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 137. Error message: Element type "ExceptionName" m
ust be declared.
2291475[ UtilXml.java:443:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File file:/c:/ZnjTest
XPDL.xml process error. Line: 155. Error message: The content of element type "A
ctivity" must match "(Description?,Limit?,(Route|Implementation),Performer?,Star
在規範中的“最終期限”已經明確的解釋,為什麼伺服器還提示“must be declared”。謝謝!
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