求救 關於parallel的問題
題目是 a simulation/emulation of multi-paradigm parallel processor
a model of computation based on packets(資訊包) can be defined which allows programs written in
a variety of programming paradigms(範例) to be implemented in parallel. this project would
simulate(模擬)/emulate(仿效) such a system and would hopefully include a functional, a procedural
and a logic language
能否簡單說說你們對此的觀點? 如何做 該怎麼作
a model of computation based on packets(資訊包) can be defined which allows programs written in
a variety of programming paradigms(範例) to be implemented in parallel. this project would
simulate(模擬)/emulate(仿效) such a system and would hopefully include a functional, a procedural
and a logic language
能否簡單說說你們對此的觀點? 如何做 該怎麼作
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