2017-07-06 前端日報


2017-07-06 前端日報


JavaScript專題之型別判斷(下) · Issue #30 · mqyqingfeng/Blog
百度Web生態構建:釋出基於Vue的PWA解決方案LAVAS;將全面支援Web AR
從 React 繫結 this,看 JS 語言發展和框架設計 - 掘金
【譯】機器學習與JavaScript(一)|Winar's personal blog
SegmentFault 付費問答上線,向你心目中的大牛提問吧 - SegmentFault 產品技術日誌 - SegmentFault
Should I Learn Elm If I Am a JavaScript Developer? – Hacker Noon
How to write beautiful Node.js APIs using async/await and the Firebase Database


【翻譯】基於 Create React App路由4.0的非同步元件載入(Code Splitting) - naice - SegmentFault
Angular Reactive Form 表單驗證 - Angular 4.x 修仙之路 - SegmentFault
Facebook Prepack --JavaScript 的下一個殺手級工具 - 眾成翻譯
Git 配置最佳實踐 - 眾成翻譯
iOS 不支援 PWA,那又怎麼樣? - Cloud Four - 眾成翻譯
Kubernetes入門指南:部署一個Node.js Docker應用 — SitePoint - 眾成翻譯
SegmentFault 社群訪談
The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture -- Martin Fowler - ThoughtWorks Tech Talks NYC (New York, NY) | Meetup - 眾成翻譯
webpack+vue專案實戰(四,前端與後端的資料互動和前端展示資料) - 前端學習之路 - SegmentFault
區塊鏈是什麼 - 眾成翻譯
微信公號DIY:一小時搭建微信聊天機器人 - 古寺比的寺 - SegmentFault
微信小程式知識總結及案例集錦 - 個人文章 - SegmentFault
深入理解JavaScript非同步(七):Promise 加入 ES6 標準
翻譯 | 開始使用 TypeScript 和 React


Async operations in React Redux applications
Building Mega Menus with Flexbox — SitePoint
Code Daily - Tutorial - Create a Youtube Video Page with Animated Video Drag to Corner in React Native
Domain-Driven React/Redux – LogRocket
Eric's Archived Thoughts: CSS: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
Fixing fieldsets — That Emil is Emil Björklund
KeystoneJS: The Best Node.js Alternative to WordPress — SitePoint
Learning Python as a Front End Developer
Mastering Async Await in Node.js
Pattern Matching with TypeScript by Manuel Alabor
Say You Want to Create a Large-Font Embedded Pen - CodePen Blog
The Structure of an Elm Application