建立測試場景(Test Scenario)
Let’s create a Test Case for the scenario: Check Login Functionality
Step 1) A simple test case to explain the scenario would be(一個測試用例描述的測試場景)
Test Case | Test Case Description |
1 | Check response when valid email and password is entered |
Step 2) Test the Data.
In order to execute the test case, you would need Test Data. Adding it below(準備測試資料)
Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Data |
1 | Check response when valid email and password is entered | Email: Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h |
Step 3) Perform actions.
In order to execute a test case, a tester needs to perform a specific set of actions on the AUT. This is documented as below:(測試步驟)
Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Steps | Test Data |
1 | Check response when valid email and password is entered | 1) Enter Email Address 2) Enter Password 3) Click Sign in | Email: Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h |
Step 4) Check behavior of the AUT.
The goal of test cases in software testing is to check behavior of the AUT for an expected result. This needs to be documented as below(期望結果)
Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Result |
1 | Check response when valid email and password is entered | 1) Enter Email Address 2) Enter Password 3) Click Sign in | Email: Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h | Login should be successful |
During test execution time, the tester will check expected results against actual results and assign a pass or fail status
Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass/Fail |
1 | Check response when valid email and password is entered | 1) Enter Email Address 2) Enter Password 3) Click Sign in | Email: Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h | Login should be successful | Login was successful | Pass |
Step 5) 執行條件
Best Practice for writing good Test Case Example.
- 簡單且透明
- 使用使用者思維建立測試用例
- 避免重複
- 不要主觀臆想
- 100%的覆蓋率
- 測試用例ID唯一
- 善於使用測試技巧: Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)邊緣分析、Equivalence Partition (EP) 等類劃分、State Transition Technique 狀態過渡、Error Guessing Technique 錯誤預測 這個比較依賴於測試者的經驗
- Peer Review 同事評估
- 藉助工具便捷的建立測試模板
- 方便的執行用例記錄測試結果
- 測試不通過的用例自動提交給開發者追蹤bug
- 可追蹤,更方便的統計測試覆蓋率
Popular Test Management tools are: Quality Center and JIRA
流行的測試管理工具有 uality Center and JIRA
How to Write Test Cases: Sample Template with Examples
Sample Test Case Template With Test Case Examples