Anaconda 安裝 國內映象問題解決方案
遇到問題:安裝2021版本後無法開啟Anaconda Navigator
解決方案:使用管理員身份開啟Avaconda Prompt,輸入conda update anaconda-navigator
#安裝在d盤 HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <>
channels: - defaults show_channel_urls: true default_channels: - - - custom_channels: conda-forge: msys2: bioconda: menpo: pytorch: simpleitk: ssl_verify: false
(base) C:\Windows\system32>conda update anaconda-navigator Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: D:\Avaconda added / updated specs: - anaconda-navigator The following packages will be downloaded: package | build ---------------------------|----------------- anaconda-navigator-2.1.1 | py39_0 5.4 MB defaults ------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 5.4 MB The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel: anaconda-navigator pkgs/main --> anaconda/pkgs/main Proceed ([y]/n)?
Proceed ([y]/n)? y Downloading and Extracting Packages anaconda-navigator-2 | 5.4 MB | | 0% [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\Avaconda\\pkgs\\anaconda-navigator-2.1.1-py39_0.conda' 系統找不到指定的路徑。 系統找不到指定的路徑。
ERROR An error occurred while installing package 'defaults::tqdm-4.62.3-pyhd3eb1b0_1'. CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist. D:\Anaconda\Scripts\conda.exe Running `conda clean --packages` may resolve your problem. Attempting to roll back. CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist. D:\Anaconda\Scripts\conda.exe Running `conda clean --packages` may resolve your problem.
conda install -c
Downloading and Extracting Packages python-3.6.13 | 17.7 MB | ###########################################################################9 | 100% WARNING conda.gateways.disk.delete:unlink_or_rename_to_trash(144): Could not remove or rename D:\Anaconda\pkgs\python-3.6.13-h3758d61_0\DLLs\tcl86t.dll. Please remove this file manually (you may need to reboot to free file handles) WARNING conda.gateways.disk.delete:unlink_or_rename_to_trash(144): Could not remove or rename D:\Anaconda\pkgs\python-3.6.13-h3758d61_0\DLLs\tcl86t.dll. Please remove this file manually (you may need to reboot to free file handles) python-3.6.13 | 17.7 MB | ############################################################################ | 100% TypeError('not all arguments converted during string formatting',)
/*看到100%好感動嗚嗚嗚嗚!為了這三個done我折騰了至少一整天!!*/ Downloading and Extracting Packages zstd-1.4.9 | 1.3 MB | ############################################################################################## | 100% opencv-3.3.1 | 96.7 MB | ############################################################################################## | 100% lz4-c-1.9.3 | 141 KB | ############################################################################################## | 100% xz-5.2.5 | 333 KB | ############################################################################################## | 100% openssl-1.0.2u | 5.8 MB | ############################################################################################## | 100% libtiff-4.2.0 | 1.1 MB | ############################################################################################## | 100% Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: done Executing transaction: done
python Python 3.6.3 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Oct 15 2017, 03:27:45) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cv2 >>> print(cv2.__version__) 3.3.1
[global] timeout = 6000 index-url= [install]
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