在Python中, 實現turtle的圖片旋轉需要使用PIL庫, 該庫可通過pip安裝。
使用PIL的Image.open函式可以實現載入圖片; 使用ImageTk.PhotoImage可將PIL.Image物件轉換為tkinter使用的型別。
from tkinter import * from PIL import Image,ImageTk root=Tk() cv=Canvas(root,bg='black') cv.pack(side=TOP,expand=True,fill=BOTH) image=Image.open("bh.png","r") image=image.resize((100,100)) imtk=ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) id=cv.create_image(100,100,image=imtk) cv.after(20,animate) root.mainloop()
開啟冗長的turtle模組的原始碼, (讀了半天)找到了TurtleScreenBase類, 該類用於底層的繪製圖形等操作。程式的關鍵是使用自定義的函式替換turtle模組中原有的函式。
from turtle import * from turtle import TurtleScreenBase try: from PIL import Image,ImageTk except ImportError: Image=None images={} # 使用自定義的函式替換turtle模組中原有的函式 def _image(self,filename): img=Image.open(filename) im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) im.raw = img im.zoomcache = [None,None] return im def _createimage(self, image): "Create and return image item on canvas." id = self.cv.create_image(0, 0, image=image) return id def _drawimage(self, item, pos, image, angle=None,zoom=None): "Configure image item as to draw image object at position (x,y) on canvas)" w=self.window_width();h=self.window_height() if not (-h//2 < pos[1] < h//2\ and -w//2 <= -pos[0] < w//2): self.cv.itemconfig(item, image=self._blankimage()) # 清除影像 return prev=image if zoom: # zoomcache為列表, 格式為[<放大倍數>, <影像>], 用於儲存影像放大後的副本 if zoom == image.zoomcache[0]: image=image.zoomcache[1] else: raw=image.raw size=(int(raw.size[0] * zoom), int(raw.size[1] * zoom)) raw = raw.resize(size,resample=Image.BILINEAR) image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(raw) image.raw=raw prev.zoomcache=[zoom,image] if angle is not None: raw=image.raw image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(raw.rotate(angle)) image.raw=raw images[item]=image # 建立 img 的引用, 防止img消失 x, y = pos self.cv.coords(item, (x * self.xscale, -y * self.yscale)) self.cv.itemconfig(item, image=image) def register_shape(self, name, shape=None): if shape is None: if name.lower()[-3:] in (".gif","jpg","bmp","png"): shape = Shape("image", self._image(name)) else: raise TurtleGraphicsError("Bad arguments for register_shape.\n" + "Use help(register_shape)" ) # 從turtle模組複製的部分 elif isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = Shape("polygon", shape) ## else shape assumed to be Shape-instance self._shapes[name] = shape # turtle的_drawturtle方法, 當Turtle的形狀將要繪製時呼叫 def _drawturtle(self): """Manages the correct rendering of the turtle with respect to its shape, resizemode, stretch and tilt etc.""" # 從turtle模組複製的部分 screen = self.screen shape = screen._shapes[self.turtle.shapeIndex] ttype = shape._type titem = self.turtle._item if self._shown and screen._updatecounter == 0 and screen._tracing > 0: self._hidden_from_screen = False tshape = shape._data if ttype == "polygon": if self._resizemode == "noresize": w = 1 elif self._resizemode == "auto": w = self._pensize else: w =self._outlinewidth shape = self._polytrafo(self._getshapepoly(tshape)) fc, oc = self._fillcolor, self._pencolor screen._drawpoly(titem, shape, fill=fc, outline=oc, width=w, top=True) elif ttype == "image": # 形狀為影像時 screen._drawimage(titem, self._position, tshape, self.heading(),self._stretchfactor[0]) elif ttype == "compound": for item, (poly, fc, oc) in zip(titem, tshape): poly = self._polytrafo(self._getshapepoly(poly, True)) screen._drawpoly(item, poly, fill=self._cc(fc), outline=self._cc(oc), width=self._outlinewidth, top=True) else: if self._hidden_from_screen: return if ttype == "polygon": screen._drawpoly(titem, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), "", "") elif ttype == "image": screen._drawimage(titem, self._position, screen._shapes["blank"]._data) elif ttype == "compound": for item in titem: screen._drawpoly(item, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), "", "") self._hidden_from_screen = True if Image: TurtleScreenBase._image=_image TurtleScreenBase._createimage=_createimage TurtleScreenBase._drawimage=_drawimage TurtleScreen.register_shape=register_shape RawTurtle._drawturtle=_drawturtle scr=getscreen() scr.register_shape('blackhole.jpg') shape('blackhole.jpg') while True: forward(60) left(72) done()
以上就是 直播原始碼網站,點選圖片可進行任意方向旋轉功能實現的相關程式碼,更多內容歡迎關注之後的文章
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69978258/viewspace-2855993/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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