Spring Boot + JPA DataTable原始碼
本指南將引導您完成構建使用 JPA DataTable 的 Spring boot 2 應用程式的過程。構建一個具有完全可配置的快速資料表的 Spring Boot 應用程式。
原始碼: Github
- Spring Web
- Thymeleaf
- Lombok
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 Database
JPA DataTable
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.darrachequesne</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-jpa-datatables</artifactId> <version>5.1.0</version> </dependency> |
@Entity(name = "users") @Getter @Setter public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private long userId; private String firstName; private String lastName; private String username; private String email; private boolean status; } |
在resources目錄建立data.sql :
INSERT INTO USERS (USER_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, USERNAME, STATUS) VALUES (1, 'Andre', 'Denesik', 'tressa.hamill@example.com', 'bruen.fletcher', true), (2, 'Shanel', 'Fahey', 'will.eleonore@example.com', 'kgleichner', true), (3, 'Rosanna', 'Kilback', 'ganderson@example.org', 'jamarcus20', false), (4, 'Americo', 'Franecki', 'andres67@example.com', 'donnelly.napoleon', true), (5, 'Ova', 'Gusikowski', 'stehr.cruz@example.net', 'dschneider', true), (6, 'Rhiannon', 'Schmitt', 'brycen.klein@example.net', 'crystel.kilback', true), (7, 'Eriberto', 'Frami', 'hillard85@example.com', 'corwin.jeffrey', false), (8, 'Ebba', 'Krajcik', 'neoma38@example.org', 'mozelle.bernier', true), (9, 'Beth', 'Balistreri', 'tstehr@example.com', 'olson.meagan', true), (10, 'Jesse', 'Wehner', 'kristoffer.wiza@example.org', 'jada12', false), (11, 'Samanta', 'Kautzer', 'dina.kuhic@example.net', 'katelin.strosin', true), (12, 'Lauretta', 'Deckow', 'fshields@example.com', 'skylar.macejkovic', true), (13, 'Vella', 'Dibbert', 'vonrueden.harmon@example.com', 'pcrona', true), (14, 'Kay', 'Haley', 'slangworth@example.com', 'shields.malika', true), (15, 'Brandon', 'Russel', 'quigley.danny@example.com', 'donnelly.dane', true), (16, 'Juvenal', 'Wolf', 'shana41@example.net', 'yazmin.strosin', false), (17, 'Tad', 'Kuhic', 'reinger.everardo@example.org', 'jstracke', true), (18, 'Pink', 'Block', 'hettinger.otha@example.org', 'sanford.lysanne', true), (19, 'Kacie', 'Daugherty', 'mayer.florian@example.com', 'ghaag', true), (20, 'Helmer', 'Ziemann', 'kayli.block@example.net', 'kbechtelar', false); |
spring.jpa.defer-datasource-initialization=true |
@Repository public interface UserRepository extends DataTablesRepository<User, Long> {} |
將上面倉儲介面所繼承的DataTablesRepositoryFactory 設定到RepositoryFactoryBean :
@Configuration @EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryFactoryBeanClass = DataTablesRepositoryFactoryBean.class, basePackages = "com.example.demo") public class DataTablesConfiguration {} |
前端程式碼見 Github。
- Spring Boot + JPA實現MySQL批量更新原始碼 - githubSpring BootMySql原始碼Github
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