<div id="app" v-cloak> <table style="width:700px;"> <tr v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index"> <td style="width:40%;"> <textarea type="text" class="textaa" v-model="item.Q.XMNR" v-on:input="ltextFn($event,item,index)" v-on:focus="zenghFn"></textarea> </td> <td style="width:20%;text-align: center;">--</td> <td style="width:40%;"> <textarea type="text" class="textaa" v-model="item.H.XMNR" v-on:input="rtextFn($event,item,index)" v-on:focus="zenghFn"></textarea> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- <script src=""></script> --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var vm = new Vue({ el:"#app", data:{ list:[] }, created(){ this.getData() }, methods:{ getData(){ var self = this var ary = [ { Q:{XMNR: '抓改革、促發展,歸根到底就是為了讓人民過上更好的日子。',LX: 1,DDID : 1}, H:{XMNR: '十八大以來,為核心的堅持以人民為中心推進改革,',LX: 2,DDID : 2} }, { Q:{XMNR: '始終把人民利益擺在至高無上的地位,抓住人民最關心最直接最現實的利益問題推進重點領域改革。',LX: 1,DDID : 3}, H:{XMNR: '二十屆三中全會審議透過的《中共中央關於進一步全面深化改革、推進中國式現代化的決定》,',LX: 2,DDID : 4} }, { Q:{XMNR: '堅持人民至上,從人民整體利益、根本利益、長遠利益出發謀劃和推進改革,',LX: 1,DDID : 5}, H:{XMNR: '充分彰顯了我們宗旨、初心使命,充分體現了新時代思想的世界觀和方法論。',LX: 2,DDID : 6} } ] if(ary.length!=0){ $.each(ary,function(index,item){ item.uid = index+1 }) self.list = ary }else{ self.list = [{ Q:{DDID:'',LX:1,XMNR:''}, H:{DDID:'',LX:2,XMNR:''}, uid:1, }] } this.zenghFn() }, ltextFn(event,item,ind){ var self = this var curval = var num = item.uid; if(curval === '' && (item.H.XMNR === '' || item.H.XMNR === null)){ if(self.list.length == 1){ // alert("該行不能刪除!!"); return false; }else{ for(var i=0;i < self.list.length;i++){ if(self.list[i].uid == num){ self.list.splice(i,1); setTimeout(function(){ var ta = document.querySelectorAll('textarea'); $.each(ta,function(index,item){ autosize.update(item); }) },500) break; } } } }else{ this.zenghFn() } // console.log(self.list); }, rtextFn(event,item,ind){ var self = this var curval = var num = item.uid; if((item.Q.XMNR === '' || item.Q.XMNR === null) && curval === ''){ if(self.list.length == 1){ // alert("該行不能刪除!!"); return false; }else{ for(var i=0;i < self.list.length;i++){ if(self.list[i].uid == num){ self.list.splice(i,1); setTimeout(function(){ var ta = document.querySelectorAll('textarea'); $.each(ta,function(index,item){ autosize.update(item); }) },500) break; } } } }else{ this.zenghFn() } // console.log(self.list); }, zenghFn(){ var self = this var xobj = {} if(self.list.length < 10){ var obj = self.list[self.list.length-1] if(obj.Q.XMNR != '' || obj.H.XMNR != ''){ xobj.Q = {} xobj.H = {} xobj.Q.XMNR = '' xobj.Q.LX = 1 xobj.Q.DDID = '' xobj.H.XMNR = '' xobj.H.LX = 2 xobj.H.DDID = '' xobj.uid = self.list.length + 1 self.list.push(xobj) setTimeout(function(){ autosize(document.querySelectorAll('textarea')); },500) } } // console.log(self.list); }, } }) ;(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.autosize = factory()); }(this, (function () { var assignedElements = new Map(); function assign(ta) { if (!ta || !ta.nodeName || ta.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA' || assignedElements.has(ta)) return; var previousHeight = null; function cacheScrollTops(el) { var arr = []; while (el && el.parentNode && el.parentNode instanceof Element) { if (el.parentNode.scrollTop) { arr.push([el.parentNode, el.parentNode.scrollTop]); } el = el.parentNode; } return function () { return arr.forEach(function (_ref) { var node = _ref[0], scrollTop = _ref[1]; = 'auto'; node.scrollTop = scrollTop; = null; }); }; } var computed = window.getComputedStyle(ta); function setHeight(_ref2) { var _ref2$restoreTextAlig = _ref2.restoreTextAlign, restoreTextAlign = _ref2$restoreTextAlig === void 0 ? null : _ref2$restoreTextAlig, _ref2$testForHeightRe = _ref2.testForHeightReduction, testForHeightReduction = _ref2$testForHeightRe === void 0 ? true : _ref2$testForHeightRe; var initialOverflowY = computed.overflowY; if (ta.scrollHeight === 0) { // If the scrollHeight is 0, then the element probably has display:none or is detached from the DOM. return; } // disallow vertical resizing if (computed.resize === 'vertical') { = 'none'; } else if (computed.resize === 'both') { = 'horizontal'; } var restoreScrollTops; // remove inline height style to accurately measure situations where the textarea should shrink // however, skip this step if the new value appends to the previous value, as textarea height should only have grown if (testForHeightReduction) { // ensure the scrollTop values of parent elements are not modified as a consequence of shrinking the textarea height restoreScrollTops = cacheScrollTops(ta); = ''; } var newHeight; if (computed.boxSizing === 'content-box') { newHeight = ta.scrollHeight - (parseFloat(computed.paddingTop) + parseFloat(computed.paddingBottom)); } else { newHeight = ta.scrollHeight + parseFloat(computed.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(computed.borderBottomWidth); } if (computed.maxHeight !== 'none' && newHeight > parseFloat(computed.maxHeight)) { if (computed.overflowY === 'hidden') { = 'scroll'; } newHeight = parseFloat(computed.maxHeight); } else if (computed.overflowY !== 'hidden') { = 'hidden'; } = newHeight + 'px'; if (restoreTextAlign) { = restoreTextAlign; } if (restoreScrollTops) { restoreScrollTops(); } if (previousHeight !== newHeight) { ta.dispatchEvent(new Event('autosize:resized', { bubbles: true })); previousHeight = newHeight; } if (initialOverflowY !== computed.overflow && !restoreTextAlign) { var textAlign = computed.textAlign; if (computed.overflow === 'hidden') { // Webkit fails to reflow text after overflow is hidden, // even if hiding overflow would allow text to fit more compactly. // The following is intended to force the necessary text reflow. = textAlign === 'start' ? 'end' : 'start'; } setHeight({ restoreTextAlign: textAlign, testForHeightReduction: true }); } } function fullSetHeight() { setHeight({ testForHeightReduction: true, restoreTextAlign: null }); } var handleInput = function () { var previousValue = ta.value; return function () { setHeight({ // if previousValue is '', check for height shrinkage because the placeholder may be taking up space instead // if new value is merely appending to previous value, skip checking for height deduction testForHeightReduction: previousValue === '' || !ta.value.startsWith(previousValue), restoreTextAlign: null }); previousValue = ta.value; }; }(); var destroy = function (style) { ta.removeEventListener('autosize:destroy', destroy); ta.removeEventListener('autosize:update', fullSetHeight); ta.removeEventListener('input', handleInput); window.removeEventListener('resize', fullSetHeight); // future todo: consider replacing with ResizeObserver Object.keys(style).forEach(function (key) { return[key] = style[key]; }); assignedElements["delete"](ta); }.bind(ta, { height:, resize:, textAlign:, overflowY:, overflowX:, wordWrap: }); ta.addEventListener('autosize:destroy', destroy); ta.addEventListener('autosize:update', fullSetHeight); ta.addEventListener('input', handleInput); window.addEventListener('resize', fullSetHeight); // future todo: consider replacing with ResizeObserver = 'hidden'; = 'break-word'; assignedElements.set(ta, { destroy: destroy, update: fullSetHeight }); fullSetHeight(); } function destroy(ta) { var methods = assignedElements.get(ta); if (methods) { methods.destroy(); } } function update(ta) { var methods = assignedElements.get(ta); if (methods) { methods.update(); } } var autosize = null; // Do nothing in Node.js environment if (typeof window === 'undefined') { autosize = function autosize(el) { return el; }; autosize.destroy = function (el) { return el; }; autosize.update = function (el) { return el; }; } else { autosize = function autosize(el, options) { if (el) { ? el : [el], function (x) { return assign(x); }); } return el; }; autosize.destroy = function (el) { if (el) { ? el : [el], destroy); } return el; }; autosize.update = function (el) { if (el) { ? el : [el], update); } return el; }; } var autosize$1 = autosize; return autosize$1; }))); setTimeout(function(){ autosize(document.querySelectorAll('textarea')); },500) </script>