linux gadget u盤(Mass storage)
1. kernel config
Device Drivers --->
[*] USB support --->
<*> USB Gadget Support
<*> USB Gadget functions configurable through configfs
[*] Mass storage
The Mass Storage Gadget acts as a USB Mass Storage disk drive.
As its storage repository it can use a regular file or a block
device (in much the same way as the "loop" device driver),
specified as a module parameter or sysfs option.
2. prepare a disk partition or loop device
2.1 loop device
dd if=/dev/zero of=/virtualfs bs=1024 count=307200 //300M
losetup /dev/loop0 /virtualfs
we create loop device on rootfs and choose loop device to test usb speed, since roofs is mounted on DDR and DDR speed is very fast.
3. start usb-storage
mkdir /etc/configfs
export CONFIGFS_HOME=/etc/configfs
mount none $CONFIGFS_HOME -t configfs
mkdir $CONFIGFS_HOME/usb_gadget/g2
cd $CONFIGFS_HOME/usb_gadget/g2
echo 0x2222 > idVendor
echo 0x1111 > idProduct
mkdir strings/0x409
echo 20200210 > strings/0x409/serialnumber
echo 999 > strings/0x409/manufacturer
echo 888 > strings/0x409/product
mkdir configs/c.1
mkdir configs/c.1/strings/0x409
echo mass_storage > configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
echo 120 > configs/c.1/MaxPowerN
mkdir functions/mass_storage.usb0
echo /dev/loop0 >functions/mass_storage.usb0/lun.0/file
ln -s functions/mass_storage.usb0 configs/c.1
echo 500000.dwc3 > UDC
Note, if use disk partition
echo /dev/mmcblk0 >functions/mass_storage.usb0/lun.0/file
4. test
4.1 start usb storage
# ./
500000+0 records in
500000+0 records out
[ 88.768811] Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11
[ 88.793798] LUN: removable file: (no medium)
# [ 143.501920] configfs-gadget gadget: super-speed config #1: c
4.2 plugin usb device into PC
format it,
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