import Vue from 'vue'// vue
import Router from 'vue-router'// 路由
/* Layout */
import Layout from '@/layout'
* Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1
* Detail see: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/router-and-nav.html
* hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false)
* alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu
* if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route,
* it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu
* redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb
* name:'router-name' the name is used by <keep-alive> (must set!!!)
* meta : {
roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles)
title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set)
icon: 'svg-name'/'el-icon-x' the icon show in the sidebar
breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true)
activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set
* constantRoutes
* a base page that does not have permission requirements
* all roles can be accessed
* 匯出模組開始
* 路由:
* 這裡的路由分為兩種,constantRoutes 和 asyncRoutes:
* 1、constantRoutes: 代表那些不需要動態判斷許可權的路由,如登入頁、404、等通用頁面;
* 2、asyncRoutes: 代表那些需求動態判斷許可權並通過 addRoutes 動態新增的頁面;
export const constantRoutes = [// 不需要動態判斷許可權的路由
path: '/login', // 登入
component: () => import('@/views/login/index'),
hidden: true
path: '/404', // 404
component: () => import('@/views/404'),
hidden: true
* 首頁
path: '/', // 首頁
component: Layout,
redirect: '/dashboard', // 重定向
children: [{ // 子地址
path: 'dashboard', // 路徑
name: 'Dashboard', // 名字
component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'),
meta: { title: '首頁', icon: 'dashboard' }
* 講師管理模組
path: '/teacher', // 路徑
component: Layout,
redirect: '/teacher/add', // 重定向到/example/table
name: '講師管理',
meta: { title: '講師管理', icon: 'el-icon-s-help' }, // 名字和圖示
children: [
path: 'add', // 路徑是 /example/table
name: '新增講師', // 名字
component: () => import('@/views/teacher/add'), // 指向
meta: { title: '新增講師', icon: 'table' } // 基本資訊:名字和圖示
path: 'list',
name: '講師列表',
component: () => import('@/views/teacher/list'),
meta: { title: '講師列表', icon: 'tree' }
* Example
path: '/example', // 路徑
component: Layout,
redirect: '/example/table', // 重定向到/example/table
name: 'Example',
meta: { title: 'Example', icon: 'el-icon-s-help' }, // 名字和圖示
children: [
path: 'table', // 路徑是 /example/table
name: 'Table', // 名字
component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), // 指向
meta: { title: 'Table', icon: 'table' } // 基本資訊:名字和圖示
path: 'tree',
name: 'Tree',
component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'),
meta: { title: 'Tree', icon: 'tree' }
* Form
path: '/form',
component: Layout,
children: [
path: 'index',
name: 'Form',
component: () => import('@/views/form/index'),
meta: { title: 'Form', icon: 'form' }
* Nested
path: '/nested',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/nested/menu1',
name: 'Nested',
meta: {
title: 'Nested',
icon: 'nested'
children: [
path: 'menu1',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/index'), // Parent router-view
name: 'Menu1',
meta: { title: 'Menu1' },
children: [
path: 'menu1-1',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/menu1-1'),
name: 'Menu1-1',
meta: { title: 'Menu1-1' }
path: 'menu1-2',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2'),
name: 'Menu1-2',
meta: { title: 'Menu1-2' },
children: [
path: 'menu1-2-1',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1'),
name: 'Menu1-2-1',
meta: { title: 'Menu1-2-1' }
path: 'menu1-2-2',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2'),
name: 'Menu1-2-2',
meta: { title: 'Menu1-2-2' }
path: 'menu1-3',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu1/menu1-3'),
name: 'Menu1-3',
meta: { title: 'Menu1-3' }
path: 'menu2',
component: () => import('@/views/nested/menu2/index'),
name: 'Menu2',
meta: { title: 'menu2' }
* External Link
path: 'external-link',
component: Layout,
children: [
path: 'https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/#/',
meta: { title: 'External Link', icon: 'link' }
// 404 page must be placed at the end !!!
{ path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true }
* 匯出模組結束
* 路由
const createRouter = () => new Router({
// mode: 'history', // require service support
scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }),
routes: constantRoutes
* 路由
const router = createRouter()
// Detail see: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/1234#issuecomment-357941465
* 匯出:重置路由
export function resetRouter() {
const newRouter = createRouter()
router.matcher = newRouter.matcher // reset router
* 匯出:路由
export default router
import request from '@/utils/request'
export function getList() {
return request({
url: '/edu-admin/teacher/list', // 路徑
method: 'get'
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