postgres=# \h create rule Command: CREATE RULE Description: define a new rewrite rule Syntax: CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE name AS ON event TO table_name [ WHERE condition ] DO [ ALSO | INSTEAD ] { NOTHING | command | ( command ; command ... ) }
event: 觸發事件
SELECT:當 SQL 的查詢計劃中存在查詢表的操作時會重寫查詢計劃。
INSERT:當 SQL 的查詢計劃中存在向表中插入資料的操作時會重寫查詢計劃。
UPDATE:當 SQL 的查詢計劃中存在向表中更新資料的操作時會重寫查詢計劃
DELETE:當 SQL 的查詢計劃中存在向表中資料刪除的操作時會重寫查詢計劃
postgres=# create table orders(id serial,name character varying,goods_id integer); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \d orders Table "public.orders" Column | Type|Modifiers ----------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('orders_id_seq'::regclass) name | character varying | goods_id | integer postgres=# create table orders_log(id serial,do_type character varying,old_value character varying,new_value character varying,do_time timestamp without time zone not null default now()); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \d orders_log Table "public.orders_log" Column |Type |Modifiers -----------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------- id| integer | not null default nextval('orders_log_id_seq'::regclass) do_type | character varying | old_value | character varying | new_value | character varying | do_time | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()
create rule on orders table(rule的作用是將對orders表的操作以日誌的方式插入到 orders_log 表中)
記錄 insert 操作的 rule
create or replace rule rule_orders_insert_log as on insert to orders do also insert into orders_log(do_type,new_value) values('insert',||','||||','||new.goods_id);
記錄 update 操作的 rule
create or replace rule rule_orders_update_log as on update to orders do also insert into orders_log(do_type,old_value,new_value) values('update',||','||||','||old.goods_id,||','||||','||new.goods_id);
記錄 delete 操作的 rule
create or replace rule rule_orders_delete_log as on delete to orders do also insert into orders_log(do_type,old_value) values('delete',||','||||','||old.goods_id);
rule 不像 function,觸發器一樣獨立存在的,而是依附於表上,當你把表刪了,相應的rule就一起被刪了。
postgres=# \d orders Table "public.orders" Column| Type|Modifiers ----------+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('orders_id_seq'::regclass) name | character varying | goods_id | integer | Rules: rule_orders_delete_log AS ON DELETE TO orders DOINSERT INTO orders_log (do_type, old_value) VALUES ('delete'::character varying, (((( || ','::text) || || ','::text) || old.goods_id)) rule_orders_insert_log AS ON INSERT TO orders DOINSERT INTO orders_log (do_type, new_value) VALUES ('insert'::character varying, (((( || ','::text) || || ','::text) || new.goods_id)) rule_orders_update_log AS ON UPDATE TO orders DOINSERT INTO orders_log (do_type, old_value, new_value) VALUES ('update'::character varying, (((( || ','::text) || || ','::text) || old.goods_id), (((( || ','::text) || || ','::text) || new.goods_id))
postgres=# insert into orders(name,goods_id) values('aa',101); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into orders(name,goods_id) values('bb',102); INSERT 0 1
檢視 orders 表和 orders_log 中的資料
postgres=# select * from orders; id | name | goods_id ----+------+---------- 1 | aa |101 3 | bb |102 (2 rows) postgres=# select * from orders_log; id | do_type | old_value | new_value |do_time ----+---------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | insert| | 2,aa,101| 2015-04-06 17:15:20.088412 2 | insert| | 4,bb,102| 2015-04-06 17:15:28.150866 (2 rows)
update orders set name ='cc',goods_id=201 where id=1;
postgres=# select * from orders; id | name | goods_id ---+------+---------- 3 | bb |102 1 | cc |201 (2 rows) postgres=# select * from orders_log; id | do_type | old_value | new_value |do_time ----+---------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | insert| | 2,aa,101| 2015-04-06 17:15:20.088412 2 | insert| | 4,bb,102| 2015-04-06 17:15:28.150866 3 | update| 1,aa,101| 1,cc,201| 2015-04-06 17:18:07.127828 (3 rows)
delete from orders where id=1;
postgres=# select * from orders; id | name | goods_id ----+------+---------- 3 | bb |102 (1 row) postgres=# select * from orders_log; id | do_type | old_value | new_value |do_time ----+---------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | insert| | 2,aa,101| 2015-04-06 17:15:20.088412 2 | insert| | 4,bb,102| 2015-04-06 17:15:28.150866 3 | update| 1,aa,101| 1,cc,201| 2015-04-06 17:18:07.127828 4 | delete| 1,cc,201| | 2015-04-06 17:19:20.672241 (4 rows)
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