[PM2][ERROR] Process XXX not found
公司的專案全部由pm2管理,有一天不知道什麼原因,利用pm2 list檢視APP列表,發現有幾個服務處於STOP狀態,我嘗試使用:pm2 start all
結果報錯:[PM2][ERROR] Process 1021 not found
直接刪除報錯的app id即可,如:pm2 delete 1021
- zsh:command not found: xxx
- bug solved | export 'default' was not found in 'xxx'Export
- error: ‘xxx’ does not name a typeError
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- Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code錯誤解決MySqlAIError
- could not connect to redis Instance at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6379Redis
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- Failed: error reading separator after document # 1: bad JSON array format - found no opening brackAIErrorJSONORM
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- 在 fish 終端下報錯 source: Error while reading file “xxx” 等問題ErrorWhile
- 執行maven專案出現Error:java: JDK isn‘t specified for module ‘XXX‘MavenErrorJavaJDK
- C++ vector<std::tuple<XXX, XXX, XXX>>C++
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- Mysql啟動報錯:Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code.MySqlAIError