工作193:vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:619 [Vue warn]: <transition-group> children must be keyed: <ElTag>
標題[Vue warn]: children must be keyed:
<transition-group name="flip-list" tag="div">
<van-cell v-for="(item,i) in list" v-bind:key="item.id">
<!-- 使用 right-icon 插槽來自定義右側圖示 -->
<template #right-icon>
<van-button round type="info" size="mini" @click="up(i,item)" v-show="i>0">上移</van-button>
<van-button round type="info" size="mini" @click="down(i,item)" v-show="i<list.length-1">下移</van-button>
<transition-group name="flip-list" tag="div">
<div v-for="(item,i) in list" v-bind:key="item.id">
<!-- 使用 right-icon 插槽來自定義右側圖示 -->
<template #right-icon>
<van-button round type="info" size="mini" @click="up(i,item)" v-show="i>0">上移</van-button>
<van-button round type="info" size="mini" @click="down(i,item)" v-show="i<list.length-1">下移</van-button>
新增了一個div 把迴圈放在了div中 在這裡要注意key鍵繫結元素問題 設定錯誤會導致動畫不好用哦
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