Flink Forward k8s相關(1)--Flink部署方式
Container technology experiences an ever increasing adoption throughout many industries. Not only does this technology make your applications portable across different machines and operating systems, it also allows to scale applications in a matter of seconds. Moreover, it significantly simplifies and speeds up deployments which decreases development and operation costs. Consequently, more and more Flink deployments run in containerized environments which poses new challenges for Flink.
In this talk, we will take a look at Flink’s current and future container support which will make it a first class citizen of the container world. First of all, we will explain how the new reactive execution mode will solve the problem of seamless application scaling and how it blends in with any environment. Complementary to the reactive mode, the active execution mode demonstrates its strengths when it comes to changing workloads such as batch jobs. Last but not least, we will take a look beyond Flink’s own nose and investigate how Flink can be used together with Kubernetes operators or data Artisans’ Application Manager. We will conclude the talk with a short demo of Flink’s native Kubernetes support and giving an outlook on future developments in the container realm.
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