python - function list generator
def func(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(key + ':' + value)
map(func, seq) 會遍歷所有items在seq中
filter(func, seq)
list(map(lambda x : x % 2, range(10)))
# => [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
list(filter(lambda x : x % 2, range(10)))
# => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
iter() + next()
e.g 每一次呼叫next都會讀一個資料
# Create a list of strings: flash
flash = ['jay garrick', 'barry allen', 'wally west', 'bart allen']
# Create an iterator for flash: superhero
superhero = iter(flash)
# Print each item from the iterator
print(next(superhero)) # jay garrick
print(next(superhero)) # barry allen
print(next(superhero)) # wally west
print(next(superhero)) # bart allen
Q: 要做一個這樣的tuple list怎麼搞?
[(0, ‘a’), (1, ‘b’), (2, ‘c’), (3, ‘dd’)]
[(100, ‘a’), (101, ‘b’), (102, ‘c’), (103, ‘dd’)]
a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'dd']
enu_a = enumerate(a)
#<class 'enumerate'>
list_enu_a = list(enu_a)
#[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'dd')]
list(enumerate(a, start=100))
# [(100, 'a'), (101, 'b'), (102, 'c'), (103, 'dd')]
Q: 如何去遍歷讀取enumerate裡頭的值?
# Unpack and print the tuple pairs
for index1, value1 in enumerate(enu_a):
print(index1, value1)
# Change the start index
for index2, value2 in enumerate(enu_a, start=1):
print(index2, value2)
Q: zip()有啥用?
a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'dd']
b = ['q', 'w', 'e', 'rr']
c = ['a', 's', 'd', 'ff']
list(zip(a, b, c))
# [('a', 'q', 'a'), ('b', 'w', 's'), ('c', 'e', 'd'), ('dd', 'rr', 'ff')]
Q: 情景介紹:Processing large amounts of Twitter data
Sometimes, the data we have to process reaches a size that is too much for a computer’s memory to handle. This is a common problem faced by data scientists. A solution to this is to process an entire data source chunk by chunk, instead of a single go all at once.
# Initialize an empty dictionary: counts_dict
counts_dict ={}
# Iterate over the file chunk by chunk
for chunk in pd.read_csv('tweets.csv', chunksize=10):
# Iterate over the column in DataFrame
for entry in chunk['lang']:
if entry in counts_dict.keys():
counts_dict[entry] += 1
counts_dict[entry] = 1
# Print the populated dictionary
matrix = [[col for col in range(5)] for row in range(5)]
matrix = [[col for col in range(5)]] * 5
generator function
# Create a list of strings: lannister
lannister = ['cersei', 'jaime', 'tywin', 'tyrion', 'joffrey']
# Create a generator object: lengths
lengths = (len(person) for person in lannister)
# Iterate over and print the values in lengths
for value in lengths:
# Create a list of strings
lannister = ['cersei', 'jaime', 'tywin', 'tyrion', 'joffrey']
# Define generator function get_lengths
def get_lengths(input_list):
"""Generator function that yields the
length of the strings in input_list."""
# Yield the length of a string
for person in input_list:
yield len(person)
# Print the values generated by get_lengths()
for value in get_lengths(lannister):
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