



SCOTT@book> @ ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production


create table t1 as select * from dept;
create table t2 as select * from dept;

SCOTT@book> alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000) not null default ' ';
alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000) not null default ' '
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30649: missing DIRECTORY keyword

SCOTT@book> alter table t2 add col1 varchar2(2000) not null default '';
alter table t2 add col1 varchar2(2000) not null default ''
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30649: missing DIRECTORY keyword

$ oerr ora 30649
30649,0000, "missing DIRECTORY keyword"
// *Cause:  DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause missing or incorrect.
// *Action: Provide the DEFAULT DIRECTORY.

SCOTT@book> alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000)  default ' ' not null;
Table altered.

SCOTT@book> alter table t2 add col1 varchar2(2000)  default '' not null;
Table altered.

SCOTT@book> select col1 c10, dump(col1) c20, length(col1) n10 from t1 where rownum=1;
C10        C20                                    N10
---------- -------------------- ---------------------
           Typ=1 Len=1: 32                          1

SCOTT@book> select col1 c10, dump(col1) c20, length(col1) n10 from t2 where rownum=1;
C10        C20                                    N10
---------- -------------------- ---------------------

SCOTT@book> @desc t2
Name                            Null?    Type
------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
DEPTNO                                   NUMBER(2)
DNAME                                    VARCHAR2(14)
LOC                                      VARCHAR2(13)
COL1                            NOT NULL VARCHAR2(2000)


SCOTT@book> select * from t2 where col1 is null;
no rows selected
--//沒有輸出。過濾條件是   1 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)。而這樣查詢就出現:

SCOTT@book> set NULL null
SCOTT@book> select deptno,col1 c10 ,dump(col1,16) c20 from t2 where col1 is not null;
    DEPTNO C10        C20
---------- ---------- --------------------
        10 null       NULL
        20 null       NULL
        30 null       NULL
        40 null       NULL

SCOTT@book> insert into t1 values (11,'a','b',null);
insert into t1 values (11,'a','b',null)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."T1"."COL1")

SCOTT@book> insert into t2 values (11,'a','b',null);
insert into t2 values (11,'a','b',null)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."T2"."COL1")

SCOTT@book>  column BINARYDEFVAL format a30
SCOTT@book> select * from sys.ecol$;
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
     94552          4 20


SCOTT@book> select * from dba_objects where object_id='94552'
  2  @ prxx
OWNER                         : SCOTT
OBJECT_NAME                   : T1
SUBOBJECT_NAME                :
OBJECT_ID                     : 94552
DATA_OBJECT_ID                : 94552
OBJECT_TYPE                   : TABLE
CREATED                       : 2020-11-09 10:06:29
LAST_DDL_TIME                 : 2020-11-09 10:12:04
TIMESTAMP                     : 2020-11-09:10:12:04
STATUS                        : VALID
TEMPORARY                     : N
GENERATED                     : N
SECONDARY                     : N
NAMESPACE                     : 1
EDITION_NAME                  :
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SYS@orcl> select banner from v$version where rownum=1;
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SYS@orcl> create table t1 (a number);
Table created.

SYS@orcl> insert into t1 values (1);
1 row created.

SYS@orcl> commit ;
Commit complete.

SYS@orcl> alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000)  default '' not null;
alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000)  default '' not null
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01758: table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column


SYS@orcl> drop table t1 purge ;
Table dropped.

SYS@orcl> create table t1 (a number);
Table created.

SYS@orcl> alter table t1 add col1 varchar2(2000)  default '' not null;
Table altered.

SYS@orcl> desc t1
Name   Null?    Type
------ -------- --------------
A               NUMBER

SYS@orcl> select * from sys.ecol$;
no rows selected


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