@Results:可以與@Result 一起使用,封裝多個結果集
@ResultMap:實現引用@Results 定義的封裝
@SelectProvider: 實現動態 SQL 對映
@Insert("insert into student_tb(name,sex,age,height,s_address) values(#{name},#{sex},#{age},#{height},#{sAddress})")
@SelectKey(keyProperty = "id",keyColumn = "id",before = false,statement = "select last_insert_id()",resultType = Integer.class)
int addStudent(Student student);
@Delete("delete from student_tb where id = #{id}")
int deleteStudent(int id);
@Update("update student_tb set name = #{name},age=#{age},sex=#{sex},height=#{height}, s_address = #{sAddress} where id = #{id}")
int updateStudent(Student student);
@Select("select * from student_tb where id = #{id}")
//@ResultType(Student.class) 可以省略 設定返回值型別
Student findStudentById(int id);
@Select("select * from student_tb where id = #{id}")
@Results(id = "studentMap",value = {
@Result(id = true,property = "id",column = "id"),
@Result(property = "name",column = "name"),
@Result(property = "sex",column = "sex"),
@Result(property = "height",column = "height"),
@Result(property = "sAddress", column = "s_address")
}) //Resuts 相當於<resultMap @Result相當於<result
Student findStudentById2(int id);
@Select("select * from student_tb")
//@ResultType(Student.class) 可以省略
List<Student> findAllStudent();
* 當mybatis 方法引數為多個時,可以使用以下幾個方式傳參
* 1.傳物件 傳map
* 2.使用arg0 arg1...... 或者 param1 param2等命名
* 3.先將引數宣告,再使用@Param給引數命名
* */
Parameter 'name' not found. Available parameters are [arg1, arg0, param1, param2]*/
//@Select("select * from student_tb where name like #{arg0} and sex=#{arg1}")
//@Select("select * from student_tb where name like #{param1} and sex=#{param2}")
@Select("select * from student_tb where name like #{name} and sex=#{sex}")
List<Student> findAllStudentByNameAndSex(@Param("name") String nameaa,@Param("sex") String sexxx);
@Select("select * from student_tb")
@Results(id = "studentMap2",value = {
@Result(id = true,property = "id",column = "id"),
@Result(property = "sex",column = "sex"),
@Result(property = "age",column = "age"),
@Result(property = "name",column = "name"),
@Result(property = "height",column = "height"),
@Result(property = "sAddress",column = "s_address"),
@Result(property = "scoreList",column = "id",many = @Many(
select = "com.qfedu.dao.IScoreDao2.findScoreById",fetchType = FetchType.EAGER
// 開啟快取
@CacheNamespace(blocking = true)
5. 當mybatis 方法引數為多個時(報錯,解決)
當mybatis 方法引數為多個時,可以使用以下幾個方式傳參
1.傳物件 傳map,將資料封裝成物件、map等傳遞
2.使用arg0 arg1...... 或者 param1 param2等命名(注意從0或1開始)
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