SAP Spartacus OccEndpointsService單元測試的依賴注入
export abstract class OccConfig extends SiteContextConfig {
backend?: {
occ?: {
baseUrl?: string;
prefix?: string;
* Indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made
* using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates
useWithCredentials?: boolean;
endpoints?: OccEndpoints;
legacy?: boolean;
media?: {
* Media URLs are typically relative, so that the host can be configured.
* Configurable media baseURLs are useful for SEO, multi-site,
* switching environments, etc.
baseUrl?: string;
loadingScopes?: LoadingScopes;
export abstract class SiteContextConfig {
context?: {
urlParameters?: string[];
[contextName: string]: string[];
end point資料結構:OccEndpoints
export interface OccEndpoints {
* Client login (get authorization token)
* @member {string}
login?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Client logout (revoke authorization token)
* @member {string}
revoke?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get product details for scope
* @member Object
product?: string | ProductOccEndpoint;
* Get reviews for a product
* @member {string}
productReviews?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of product references
* @member {string}
productReferences?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of products and additional data
* @member {string}
productSearch?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of available suggestions
* @member {string}
productSuggestions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get CMS component details
* @member {string}
component?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of CMS component details
* @member {string}
components?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get page data with list of cms content slots
* @member {string}
pages?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get page data with list of cms content slots
* @member {string}
page?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get all carts
* @member {string} [carts]
carts?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a cart with a given identifier
* @member {string} [cart]
cart?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Creates or restore a cart for a user
* @member {string} [createCart]
createCart?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Deletes a cart with a given cart id
* @member {string} [deleteCart]
deleteCart?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Adds a product to the cart
* @member {string} [addEntries]
addEntries?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Update quantity and store the details of a cart entry
* @member {string} [updateEntries]
updateEntries?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Deletes cart entry
* @member {string} [removeEntries]
removeEntries?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Assign email to cart
* @member {string} [addEmail]
addEmail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a store location
* @member {string} [page]
store?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of store locations
* @member {string} [page]
stores?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Gets a store location count per country and regions
* @member {string} [page]
storescounts?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of available languages
* @member {string}
languages?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of available currencies
* @member {string}
currencies?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get a list of countries
* @member {string}
countries?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Fetch the list of regions for the provided country
* @member {string}
regions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Titles used for user's personal info.
* @member {string}
titles?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Get user details
* @member {string}
user?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Register a new user.
* @member {string}
userRegister?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Request an email to reset the password
* @member {string}
userForgotPassword?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Reset the password once the email is recieved.
* @member {string}
userResetPassword?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Update the user id with which the user authenticates.
* @member {string}
userUpdateLoginId?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Update the user's password
* @member {string}
userUpdatePassword?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Payment details root endpoint.
* @member {string}
paymentDetailsAll?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for a specific payment method.
* @member {string}
paymentDetail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for the list of one user's orders
* @member {string}
orderHistory?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for the details of one user's order
* @member {string}
orderDetail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for anonymous consent templates
* @member {string}
anonymousConsentTemplates?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for consent templates
* @member {string}
consentTemplates?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for a user's consents
* @member {string}
consents?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for a user's specific previously given consent.
* @member {string}
consentDetail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for a user's addresses
* @member {string}
addresses?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for a user's specific address
* @member {string}
addressDetail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for address verification
* @member {string}
addressVerification?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for consignment tracking
* @member {string}
consignmentTracking?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for asm customer search
* @member {string}
asmCustomerSearch?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for cart voucher
* @member {string}
cartVoucher?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for coupons
* @member {string}
customerCoupons?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for claiming coupon
* @member {string}
claimCoupon?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for coupons
* @member {string}
couponNotification?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Explicitly saves a cart
* @member {string}
saveCart?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for notification preference
* @member {string}
notificationPreference?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for product interests
* @member {string}
productInterests?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for getting product interests
* @member {string}
getProductInterests?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for cancel an order
cancelOrder?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for creating order return request
returnOrder?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for user's order return requests
orderReturns?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for order return request details
orderReturnDetail?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for cancelling return request
cancelReturn?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for set delivery address to cart
setDeliveryAddress?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for place order
placeOrder?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupOrderApprovalPermission
* @member {string}
budget?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for budgets list
* @member {string}
budgets?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizations
* @member {string}
orgUnits?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizations list
* @member {string}
orgUnitsAvailable?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization units tree
* @member {string}
orgUnitsTree?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for approval processes for organization units
* @member {string}
orgUnitsApprovalProcesses?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization
* @member {string}
orgUnit?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for orgUnitUsers:
* @member {string}
orgUnitUsers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for add orgUnitUserRoles (except approver):
* @member {string}
orgUnitUserRoles?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for remove orgUnitUserRole (except approver):
* @member {string}
orgUnitUserRole?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for add orgUnitApprovers:
* @member {string}
orgUnitApprovers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for delete orgUnitApprover:
* @member {string}
orgUnitApprover?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizational unit addresses
* @member {string}
orgUnitsAddresses?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizational unit address
* @member {string}
orgUnitsAddress?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizational unit user groups list
* @member {string}
userGroups?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organizational unit user group
* @member {string}
userGroup?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for costCenter list
* @member {string}
userGroupAvailableOrderApprovalPermissions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupAvailableOrderApprovalPermissions list
* @member {string}
userGroupAvailableOrgCustomers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupAvailableOrgCustomers list
* @member {string}
userGroupMembers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupMembers list
* @member {string}
userGroupMember?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupMember
* @member {string}
userGroupOrderApprovalPermissions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupOrderApprovalPermissions list
* @member {string}
userGroupOrderApprovalPermission?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for userGroupOrderApprovalPermission
* @member {string}
costCenters?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint to schedule a replenishment order
* * @member {string}
scheduleReplenishmentOrder?: string | OccEndpoint;
* * Endpoint for the list of one user's replenishment orders
* * @member {string}
replenishmentOrderHistory?: string | OccEndpoint;
/* Endpoint to get a replenishment order details
* * @member {string}
replenishmentOrderDetails?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint to get a replenishment order history for a replenishment
* * @member {string}
replenishmentOrderDetailsHistory?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint to get a replenishment order history for a replenishment
* * @member {string}
cancelReplenishmentOrder?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for all costCenters
* @member {string}
costCentersAll?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for costCenter
* @member {string}
costCenter?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for budgets assigned to costCenter
* @member {string}
costCenterBudgets?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for budget assigned to costCenter
* @member {string}
costCenterBudget?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for permission list
* @member {string}
permissions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for permission
* @member {string}
permission?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for order approval permission types
* @member {string}
orderApprovalPermissionTypes?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customers
* @member {string}
b2bUsers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer
* @member {string}
b2bUser?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer approvers
* @member {string}
b2bUserApprovers?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer approver
* @member {string}
b2bUserApprover?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer user groups
* @member {string}
b2bUserUserGroups?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer user group
* @member {string}
b2bUserUserGroup?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer permissions
* @member {string}
b2bUserPermissions?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for organization customer permission
* @member {string}
b2bUserPermission?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for order approvals
* @member {string}
orderApprovals?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for order approval
* @member {string}
orderApproval?: string | OccEndpoint;
* Endpoint for order approval decision
* @member {string}
orderApprovalDecision?: string | OccEndpoint;
beforeEach(() => {
mockOccConfig = {
backend: {
occ: {
baseUrl: 'test-baseUrl',
prefix: '/test-occPrefix',
endpoints: {
login: '/authorizationserver/oauth/token',
product: {
default: 'configured-endpoint1/${test}?fields=abc',
test: 'configured-endpoint1/${test}?fields=test',
context: {
baseSite: ['/test-baseSite'],
providers: [{ provide: OccConfig, useValue: mockOccConfig }],
service = TestBed.inject(OccEndpointsService);
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