# 格式確定資訊
# put fig file, $2 input data file, $3 x-axis specs, $4 y-axis specs, $5 plot line specs, $6 key specs (optional)
# X-Axis Specs: column, label, x_tics (colon-separated or 'usecol' or 'none'), x_tics_column, logscale, format (x_tics_column, logscale and format should be '' when unused)
# Y-Axis Specs: column, label, logscale, format (logscale and format should be '' when unused)
# Line Specs: label, colour, point types (colour and point types should be ommitted when unused)
# Key Specs: position, orientation, width (no omission alowed)
bash generateFigure 'test11111.test' 'lzy-test/index_stats_vs_nodes.txt' "2,Number of Vertices,none,'',logscale,'10^%T'" "7,Index Size (MB),logscale,'10^%T'" "INE;blue;6,Gtree;red;8,ROAD;dark-green;3,PHL;dark-magenta;12,DisBrw;dark-red;4" "left top,horizontal maxcols 2,-2"
# 最後自己的輸入
bash generateFigure 'test11111.test' 'index_stats_vs_nodes.txt' "2,Number of Vertices,none,'',logscale,'10^%T'" "7,Index Size (MB),logscale,'10^%T'" "INE;blue;6,Gtree;red;8,ROAD;dark-green;3,PHL;dark-magenta;12,DisBrw;dark-red;4" "left top,horizontal maxcols 2,-2"
set logscale x/y
set format x/y 10^%T
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