- 經過一些簡單的配置,就能實現各種不同需求的日誌功能了
- 保持你的code儘量的簡潔了,也不影響單元測試
- 不需要考慮多執行緒
- ...
public class UiLogEventArgs : EventArgs { public string Message { get; private set; } public UiLogEventArgs(string message) { Message = message; } }然後自定義一個Appender
public class UiLogAppender : AppenderSkeleton { public event EventHandler<UiLogEventArgs> UiLogReceived; protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent) { var message = RenderLoggingEvent(loggingEvent); OnUiLogReceived(new UiLogEventArgs(message)); } protected virtual void OnUiLogReceived(UiLogEventArgs e) { if (UiLogReceived != null) UiLogReceived(this, e); } }
<appender name="uiLogAppender" type="UiLog.UiLogAppender,Automation"> <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout"> <conversionPattern value="%date{HH:mm:ss,fff} %-5level - %message" /> </layout> <threshold value="INFO" /> </appender>
var hierarchy = LogManager.GetRepository() as Hierarchy; var appenders = hierarchy.Root.Repository.GetAppenders(); foreach (var appender in appenders) { var uiLogAppender = appender as UiLogAppender; if (uiLogAppender != null) uiLogAppender.UiLogReceived += ShowMessageOnUi; }
如果想盡快入門log4net,推薦一部視訊教程 Application Instrumentation using log4net, 講得很好。
| application-instrumentation-log4net.zip
+---01. Overview
| 01. What to expect from this course (and what it expects of you).wmv
| 02. Course Outline.mp4
| 03. log4net's Beginnings.wmv
| 04. Quickstart Getting Log4net Working.wmv
| 05. Some Helpful Log4net Resources.wmv
+---02. Configuring Log4Net
| 01. Log4Net Architecture and Configuration.wmv
| 02. Using The Default Configuration.wmv
| 03. XML Configuration.wmv
| 04. More on XML Configuration The XmlConfigurator Attribute.mp4
| 05. Configuring Log4Net from Code.wmv
| 06. Common Configuration Gotchas.wmv
+---03. Logger Objects
| 01. Isolating Logging Concerns with Logger Objects.wmv
| 02. Logging Messages with Severity.wmv
| 03. Simple Formatting Methods of Loggers.wmv
| 04. Throttling Logger Output.wmv
| 05. Conditional Logging Properties.wmv
| 06. Using Multiple Loggers and The Logger Hierarchy.wmv
| 07. Attaching Appenders to Specific Loggers.wmv
| 08. Summary.wmv
+---04. Appenders
| 01. Shared Appender Properties.wmv
| 02. Console Appenders.wmv
| 03. Debug and Trace Appenders.wmv
| 04. EventLog Appender.wmv
| 05. File Appender.wmv
| 06. Rolling File Appender.wmv
| 07. ADO.NET Appender.wmv
| 08. ASP.NET Trace Appender.wmv
| 09. Remoting Appender.wmv
| 10. Telnet Appender.wmv
| 11. UDP Appender.wmv
| 12. SMTP and SMTPPickupDir Appenders.wmv
| 13. Forwarding and Buffering Appenders.wmv
+---05. Layouts and Patterns
| 01. Introduction to Layouts.wmv
| 02. The Simple Layout.wmv
| 03. The XML Layout.wmv
| 04. The Pattern Layout - Format Specifiers.wmv
| 05. The Pattern Layout - Format Modifiers.wmv
| 06. Raw Laouyts.wmv
| 07. Summary.wmv
+---06. Log Event Context
| 01. Introduction to Log Event Context.wmv
| 02. Quick Demo Working with Custom Log Event Properties.wmv
| 03. Property Contexts.wmv
| 04. Context Property Stacks.wmv
| 05. Calculated Log Properties.wmv
| 06. Summary.wmv
+---07. Filters
| 01. Introduction to Filters.wmv
| 02. Level Match Filtering Messages on A Single Severity Level.wmv
| 03. Level Range Filtering Messages on A Range of Severity Levels.wmv
| 04. Logger Match Filtering Messages on The Name of The Logger.wmv
| 05. String Match Filtering Messages on The Log Message Contents.wmv
| 06. Property Match Filtering Messages on The Value of A Log Property.wmv
| 07. Demo Chaining Filters.wmv
| 08. Summary.wmv
+---08. Effective Logging
| 01. The Three Logging Mantras.wmv
| 02. Logging Code is Still Code.wmv
| 03. Coping with Null and Empty Values.wmv
| 04. Common Exception Logging Tactics.wmv
| 05. Logging Uses Resources Lossy Logging.wmv
| 06. Log Now Managing Log4net as A Cross-Cutting Dependency.wmv
| 07. Summary.wmv
+---09. Advanced Logging Tactics
| 01. Advanced Tactics Reducing Friction, Object Patterns, and AOP.mp4
| 02. The 12-year Gap in The Log4net API.wmv
| 03. Applying Generics to Logger Object Creation.wmv
| 04. Implemeting Deferred Logging.wmv
| 05. Implementing Logger On-Demand.wmv
| 06. Disposable Activities.wmv
| 07. Logging Decorators.wmv
| 08. Logging with PostSharp Aspects.wmv
| 09. Summary.wmv
\---10. Extending Log4Net
01. The Five Ways to Extend Log4net.wmv
02. Creating and Using Custom Layouts.wmv
03. Creating and Using Custom Filters.wmv
04. Creating and Using Custom Appenders.wmv
05. Creating and Using Object Renderers.wmv
06. Creating and Using Plugins.wmv
07. Summary.wmv
- 關於 API介面的一些知識分享API
- 使用Log4Net根據log level的不同將log輸出到不同的檔案中
- 關於思路
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