<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
2、npm 安裝使用
npm install driver.js
const driver = new Driver();
const driver = new Driver({
className: 'scoped-class', // className to wrap driver.js popover 蒙層類名
animate: true, // Animate while changing highlighted element 在切換上一步或下一步時是否使用動畫效果
opacity: 0.75, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay) 蒙層透明度
padding: 10, // Distance of element from around the edges 突出的元素padding值
allowClose: true, // Whether clicking on overlay should close or not 是否允許點選蒙層關閉
overlayClickNext: false, // Should it move to next step on overlay click 點選蒙層是否跳至下一步
doneBtnText: 'Done', // Text on the final button 最後一步後需要執行的按鈕文案
closeBtnText: 'Close', // Text on the close button for this step 關閉按鈕文案
nextBtnText: 'Next', // Next button text for this step 下一步的按鈕文案
prevBtnText: 'Previous', // Previous button text for this step 上一步的按鈕文案
showButtons: false, // Do not show control buttons in footer 是否顯示以上提到的這些按鈕
keyboardControl: true, // Allow controlling through keyboard (escape to close, arrow keys to move) 是否允許鍵盤按鍵控制
scrollIntoViewOptions: {}, // We use `scrollIntoView()` when possible, pass here the options for it if you want any 突出區域滾動配置
onHighlightStarted: (Element) {}, // Called when element is about to be highlighted 元素高亮/凸顯開始時
onHighlighted: (Element) {}, // Called when element is fully highlighted 元素高亮/凸顯時
onDeselected: (Element) {}, // Called when element has been deselected 元素高亮/凸顯取消時
onReset: (Element) {}, // Called when overlay is about to be cleared 元素高亮/凸顯關閉時
onNext: (Element) => {}, // Called when moving to next step on any step 下一步需執行
onPrevious: (Element) => {}, // Called when moving to next step on any step 上一步需執行
element: '#some-element',
popover: {
title: '<em>An italicized title</em>', //突出框標題
description: 'Description may also contain <strong>HTML</strong>'//突出框描述
element: '#first-element-introduction',
popover: {
className: 'first-step-popover-class',
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'left' //提示框的位置 `top`, `left`, `right`, `bottom`,類似於tootip文字提示的位置
element: '#second-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'top'
element: '#third-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'right'
// Start the introduction
element: '#first-element-introduction',
popover: {
className: 'first-step-popover-class',
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'left'
// Start the introduction
<div class"test1">1111</div>
<div class="test2"></div>
element: '.test1',
popover: {
className: 'first-step-popover-class',
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'left'
element: '.test2',
// Start the introduction
const isActivated = driver.isActivated; // Checks if the driver is active or not 檢查當前是否正在高亮元素
driver.moveNext(); // Moves to next step in the steps list 移動到下一步
driver.movePrevious(); // Moves to previous step in the steps list 移動到上一步
driver.start(stepNumber = 0); // Starts driving through the defined steps 指定從哪一步開始
driver.highlight(string|stepDefinition); // highlights the element using query selector or the step definition 高亮的元素
driver.reset(); // Resets the overlay and clears the screen 多用於單元素彈出框關閉,如果不手動正確關閉它不會自動正確關閉
driver.hasHighlightedElement(); // Checks if there is any highlighted element 檢查是否存在高亮的元素
driver.hasNextStep(); // Checks if there is next step to move to 檢查是否存在下一步
driver.hasPreviousStep(); // Checks if there is previous step to move to 檢查是否存在上一步
// Prevents the current move. Useful in `onNext` or `onPrevious` if you want to
// perform some asynchronous task and manually move to next step
driver.preventMove(); //停止移動
const activeElement = driver.getHighlightedElement(); //獲取正在高亮的元素
const lastActiveElement = driver.getLastHighlightedElement(); //獲取最後一個高亮的元素
activeElement.getCalculatedPosition(); // Gets screen co-ordinates of the active element 獲取正在高亮的元素位置
activeElement.hidePopover(); // Hide the popover 隱藏提示框
activeElement.showPopover(); // Show the popover 顯示提示框
activeElement.getNode(); // Gets the DOM Element behind this element 獲取目前正在高亮的元素的下一個元素節點
最後,小編有句話不知道當講不當講,Driver.js還不夠完善,對於樣式複雜的分步指引是不適合的。個人認為,在vue中,如果只有UI框架,還不如直接使用UI框架的彈出框搭配遮罩層(Overlay ),自己佈局控制顯隱來得快。小編在剛結束的專案中,一開始就是用Driver.js花了一兩天的時間來實現,結果通過自己來佈局控制顯隱只花了一個小時不到,而且還沒有bug,就算有bug也清楚問題出在哪兒。
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