AI URLs (maintained by Zhi-Hua Zhou)
- AI Bibliographies
AI Topics: A dynamic online library of introductory information about artificial intelligence
ARIES Laboratory: Advanced Research in Intelligent Educational Systems
BibFinder: a computer science bibliography search engine integrating many other engines
CITE, the first-stop source for computational intelligence information and services on the web
DBLP: Computer Science Bibliography
Digital Biology: about creating artificial life
- HCI Bibliography Project contain extended bibliographic information (abstract, key words, table of contents, section headings) for most publications Human-Computer Interaction dating back to 1980 and selected publications before 1980
Java Agents for Meta-Learning Group (JAM) at Computer Science Department, Columbia University, for Fraud and Intrusion Detection Using Meta-Learning Agents
Learning Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University
Learning Robots Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University
Mirek's Cellebration: 1D and 2D Cellular Automata explorer
MLNET: a European network of excellence in Machine Learning, Case-based Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition
- MLnet Machine Learning Archive at GMD includes papers, software, and data sets
MIRALab at University of Geneva: leading research on virtual human simulation
Neural Network Benchmarks, Technical Reports,and Source Code maintained by Scott Fahlman at CMU; source code includes Quickprop, Cascade-Correlation, Aspirin/Migraines
Neural Network Hyperplane Animator program that allows easy visualization of training data and weights in a back-propagation neural network
- OFAI and IMKAI library information system, provided by the Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Vienna (IMKAI) and the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). It contains over 36,000 items (books, research papers, conference papers, journal articles) from many subareas of AI
OntoWeb: Ontology-based information exchange for knowledge management and electronic commerce
Recursive-Partitioning.com: an academic website focusing on classification and regression trees. Maintained by Tjen-Sien Lim
ResearchIndex: NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library, indexing over 200,000 computer science articles
RIKEN: The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan
SANS Studies of Artificial Neural Systems, at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Scirus: a search engine locating scientific information on the Internet
Second Moment: The News and Business Resource for Applied Analytics
- SEL-HPC Article Archive has sections for neural networks, distributed AI, theorem proving, and a variety of other computer science topics
TechOnLine: TechOnLine University offers free online courses and lectures
Vivisimo Document Clustering: a powerful search engine which returns clustered results
Xerion neural network simulator developed and used by the connectionist group at the University of Toronto
Yale's CTAN Advanced Technology Center for Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience
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