idea java 類開發中註釋@Author @Description 註釋報警告


在 idea 的 setting 裡設定了這個,
* @Description
* @Author pure
* @Date DATE D A T E <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-9">{DATE} </script>{TIME}
這樣每建立一個 class 檔案都會自動寫上這些註釋,但是 idea 總是對此發出警告提示,
Wrong tag ‘Description’ less… (Ctrl+F1)

This inspection points out the following javadoc comment flaws:

  • no javadoc where it is required
  • required tag is missing
  • invalid or incomplete tag
  • javadoc description is missing or incomplete

alt + enter -> add to custom tags
