如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡


The idea comes from Sougata Chatterjee’s anwser in this  thread:

Suppose I need to add the maintenance view COMV_PARTNER_FCT to my favorite list. I expect once the entry in the favorite list is double clicked, it will automatically navigate to the view detail like below ( the initial screen of SM30 is not expected )

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

Create a new transaction code and maintain SM30 as default value for transaction:

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

Just maintain the maintenance view name as the default value for screen field VIEWNAME:

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

You can find the screen name by put the focus on input field for view name in SM30, and click F1,

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

then click “Technical Information” icon,

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

then you get the screen-field name:

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

The last step is adding the new transaction code to my favorite. Unfortunately when I test it, it fails to work and raised the following error message. The initial screen still remains without any automatic navigation to detail of view COMV_PARTNER_FCT.

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

we can find the location where this error message is raised by this  tip and know the error is caused since we didn’t specify any action like UPDATE, SHOW or TRANSPORT.

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

Then go back to SE93 and add another entry with SHOW = X and after that issue is resolved.

如何把一個ABAP檢視新增到SAP GUI的收藏夾裡

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2713209/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
