[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ vi t1.txt 1,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ vi t1.ctl load data infile '/home/dmdba/t1.txt' into table test_lob fields ','
SQL> create table test_lob(id int,name clob); executed successfully used time: 51.594(ms). Execute id is 7552.
[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ dmfldr sysdba/xxzx7817600 control=\'\/home\/dmdba\/t1.ctl\' dmfldr V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT dmfldr: Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Dameng. All rights reserved. Control file: Loaded rows:All Rows per commit to server: 50000 Rows to skip: 0 Errors count allowed: 100 Whether to load direct: Yes Whether insert self-increase col: No Whether data has sort by gather index: No Character sets:GBK Data file counts: 1 /home/dmdba/t1.txt Error file :fldr.bad Dest table :TEST_LOB Column Name Packed data type End ID CHARACTER , NAME CHARACTER , row buffer number is 4 task thread number is 4 not set lob dir 0 rows committed. Dest table :TEST_LOB 0 Rows loaded success Due to data format error, 0 rows abandon Due to data error, 1 rows not loaded Skip logic record counts: 0 Read logic record counts: 1 Refuse logic record counts: 1 The total time used: 38.056(ms)
[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ dmfldr sysdba/xxzx7817600 control=\'\/home\/dmdba\/t1.ctl\' direct=false dmfldr V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT dmfldr: Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Dameng. All rights reserved. Control file: Loaded rows:All Rows per commit to server: 50000 Rows to skip: 0 Errors count allowed: 100 Whether to load direct: Yes Whether insert self-increase col: No Whether data has sort by gather index: No Character sets:GBK Data file counts: 1 /home/dmdba/t1.txt Error file :fldr.bad Dest table :TEST_LOB Column Name Packed data type End ID CHARACTER , NAME CHARACTER , 1 rows processed. Dest table :TEST_LOB 1 Rows loaded success Due to data format error, 0 rows abandon Due to data error, 0 rows not loaded Skip logic record counts: 0 Read logic record counts: 1 Refuse logic record counts: 0 The total time used: 229.173(ms)
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