You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
Redis 3.0.2 安裝報錯You need tcl 8.5 ...
DB:Redis 3.0.2
OS:Centos 7.5
[root@cjcos01 src]# make test
You need tcl 8.5 or newer in order to run the Redis test
make: *** [test] Error 1
[root@cjcos01 local]# wget
[root@cjcos01 local]# ll -rth tcl8.6.1-src.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4M Sep 20 2013 tcl8.6.1-src.tar.gz
[root@cjcos01 local]# tar -zxvf tcl8.6.1-src.tar.gz
[root@ cjcos01 local]# cd /usr/local/tcl8.6.1/unix/
[root@ cjcos01 local]# ./configure
[root@ cjcos01 local]# make
[root@ cjcos01 local]# make install
[root@ cjcos01 src]# make test
[root@ cjcos01 src]# make install
[root@ cjcos01 src]# pwd
[root@ cjcos01 src]# ./redis-server ../config/redis.conf
[root@ cjcos01 src]# ./redis-cli> set hello world
OK> get hello
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