#ifndef COPYALLFILETHREAD_H #define COPYALLFILETHREAD_H #include <QThread> #include <QMap> #include <QVariantList> class CopyAllFileThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: CopyAllFileThread(); ~CopyAllFileThread(); int StartCopyFile(QMap<QString, QString> selectItemFileTime,QString strTargetPath, QVariantList comparelist,QString strSql,QString table,bool checked); void run(); QString m_strTargetPath = ""; int SaveToExcelFile(QVariantList& lists); private: bool m_checkAll = false; QVariantList m_comparelist; QString m_strSql = ""; QMap<QString, QString> m_selectItemFileTime; QString m_table; }; #endif // COPYFILETHREAD_H
#include "CopyAllFileThread.h" #include<QFileInfo> #include "LocalDb.h" #include <QDir> #include "xlsxabstractooxmlfile.h" #include "xlsxabstractsheet.h" #include "xlsxcell.h" #include "xlsxcellformula.h" #include "xlsxcellrange.h" #include "xlsxcellreference.h" #include "xlsxchart.h" #include "xlsxchartsheet.h" #include "xlsxconditionalformatting.h" #include "xlsxdatavalidation.h" #include "xlsxdocument.h" #include "xlsxformat.h" #include "xlsxglobal.h" #include "xlsxrichstring.h" #include "xlsxworkbook.h" #include "xlsxworksheet.h" #include "qtxlsxversion.h" #include <QDateTime> #include "ConfigInfo.h" #include <QUrl> #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") CopyAllFileThread::CopyAllFileThread() { } CopyAllFileThread::~CopyAllFileThread() { } int CopyAllFileThread::StartCopyFile(QMap<QString, QString> selectItemFileTime, QString strTargetPath, QVariantList comparelist, QString strSql,QString table, bool checked) { m_selectItemFileTime = selectItemFileTime; m_strTargetPath = strTargetPath; m_checkAll = checked; m_comparelist = comparelist; m_strSql = strSql; m_table = table; this->start(); return 0; } void CopyAllFileThread::run() { QString strSourcePath = ""; QString strTargetPath = ""; QVariantMap datainfo; QVariantList listSave; if (m_checkAll==true)//排除法 { if (m_strSql!="")//查詢sql語句獲取所有值 { QVariantMap replyData; QString strMsg=""; if (LocalDb::instance()->ExcuateSql(m_strSql, replyData, strMsg)!=0) { LOG_ERROR("ExcuateSql to Get result failed %s", m_strSql.toStdString().c_str()); return; } m_comparelist = replyData.value("data").toList(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_comparelist.size(); i++) { datainfo = m_comparelist.at(i).toMap(); strSourcePath = datainfo.value("targetpic").toString(); if (strSourcePath == "") { continue; } if (m_selectItemFileTime.find(strSourcePath) != m_selectItemFileTime.end()) { continue; } listSave.push_back(datainfo); //QFileInfo file(strSourcePath); //if (!file.exists()) //{ // continue; //} //strTargetPath = m_strTargetPath + "/" + file.fileName(); //QFile::copy(strSourcePath, strTargetPath);//從源路徑將檔案複製到目標路徑 } } else//根據查詢資訊 { QStringList listFiles = m_selectItemFileTime.keys(); if (listFiles.size()==0) { return; } QString strFileCondition = LocalDb::instance()->GetStringCondition(listFiles); QString strUrl = QString("select * from %1 where targetpic in (%2)").arg(m_table).arg(strFileCondition); QString strMsg = ""; QVariantMap retValue; if (0 != LocalDb::instance()->ExcuateSql(strUrl, retValue, strMsg)) { return; } listSave = retValue.value("data").toList(); } SaveToExcelFile(listSave); } int CopyAllFileThread::SaveToExcelFile(QVariantList& lists) { int iRet = -1; QString strBackDir = m_strTargetPath + "/背景大圖/"; QString strTargetDir= m_strTargetPath + "/目標小圖/"; QString strFilePath = m_strTargetPath + "/" + m_table+"_"+QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz")+".xlsx"; QDir dirBack(strBackDir); if (!dirBack.exists()) { if (!dirBack.mkpath(strBackDir)) { LOG_ERROR("make path error :%s", strBackDir.toStdString().c_str()); return iRet; } } QDir dirTarget(strTargetDir); if (!dirTarget.exists()) { if (!dirTarget.mkpath(strTargetDir)) { LOG_ERROR("make path error :%s", strTargetDir.toStdString().c_str()); return iRet; } } QStringList title; QStringList dataname; QList<int> columnwidth; if (m_table == "human") { title << "時間" << "來源影片" << "目標小圖" << "背景大圖" << "性別" << "年齡段" << "戴眼鏡" << "戴口罩" << "戴帽子" << "上衣顏色" << "下衣顏色" << "揹包" << "拎東西"; dataname << "time" << "location" << "targetpic" << "relatepic" << "sex" << "agestate" << "glass" << "mask" << "hat" << "upclothecolor" << "downclothecolor" << "bag" << "takething"; columnwidth << 25 << 30 << 30 << 30 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 12 << 12 << 10 << 10; } else if (m_table == "vehicle") { title << "時間" << "來源影片" << "目標小圖" << "背景大圖" << "車牌號" << "車身顏色" << "車輛型別" <<"車輛品牌"<< "車牌顏色" <<"駕駛安全帶"<< "副駕駛" << "掛件" << "遮陽板" << "危險品"; dataname << "time" << "location" << "targetpic" << "relatepic" << "vehiclenum"<<"vehiclecolor" << "vehicletype"<<"brand" << "platecolor" << "pilotSafebelt" << "visepilot" << "hangthing" << "hidesunplate" << "danger"; columnwidth << 25 << 30 << 30 << 30 << 13 << 12 << 15 << 15 << 12 << 13 << 10 << 10 << 10 <<10; } else if (m_table == "unvehicle") { title << "時間" << "來源影片" << "目標小圖" << "背景大圖" <<"車輛型別"<<"騎行人數"<< "性別" << "年齡段" << "戴眼鏡" << "戴口罩" << "戴帽子" << "上衣顏色" << "下衣顏色" << "揹包" << "拎東西"; dataname << "time" << "location" << "targetpic" << "relatepic" << "ridetype"<<"ridenum"<<"sex" << "agestate" << "glass" << "mask" << "hat" << "upclothecolor" << "downclothecolor" << "bag" << "takething"; columnwidth << 25 << 30 << 30 << 30 << 12 << 12 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 10 << 12 << 12 << 10 << 10 ; } else if (m_table == "GaitAnaResult") { title << "時間" << "來源影片" << "目標小圖" << "背景大圖" ; dataname << "time" << "location" << "targetpic" << "relatepic"; columnwidth << 25 << 30 << 30 << 30 ; } else { return iRet; } //填寫表頭 QXlsx::Document xlsx; //建立Excel檔案 QXlsx::Format Format1; //設定該單元的樣式 QString QStrSheetName; //定義表格名稱字串QStrSheetName int fontSize = 12;//字型大小 Format1.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter);/*橫向居中*/ Format1.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderDashDotDot);/*邊框樣式*/ Format1.setVerticalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignVCenter);//橫向居中 // Format1.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(218,238,243)); Format1.setFontSize(fontSize); QXlsx::Format headFormat; //設定表頭樣式 headFormat.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(17, 93, 157)); //設定背景顏色 headFormat.setFontSize(fontSize); //設定字型大小 headFormat.setFontBold(true);/*設定加粗*/ headFormat.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter); //橫向居中 headFormat.setVerticalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignVCenter); headFormat.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderThin);/*邊框樣式*/ QXlsx::Format Format2; //設定內容樣式 Format2.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(218, 238, 243)); //設定背景顏色 Format2.setFontSize(fontSize); //設定字型大小 Format2.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter); //橫向居中 Format2.setVerticalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignVCenter); Format2.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderThin);/*邊框樣式*/ QXlsx::Format formatHyperLink; //設定內容樣式 formatHyperLink.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(218, 238, 243)); //設定背景顏色 formatHyperLink.setFontSize(fontSize); //設定字型大小 formatHyperLink.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter); //橫向居中 formatHyperLink.setVerticalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignVCenter); formatHyperLink.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderThin);/*邊框樣式*/ formatHyperLink.setFontColor(QColor(0, 0, 255)); // 設定字型顏色為藍色 formatHyperLink.setFontUnderline(QXlsx::Format::FontUnderlineSingle); // 設定下劃 //建立Sheet QStrSheetName = m_table; //工作簿的名稱 xlsx.addSheet(QStrSheetName); //新增該命名的工作簿 QXlsx::Worksheet* worksheet = xlsx.currentWorksheet(); //寫表頭 int titleline = 1; for (int i = 0; i <title.size(); i++) { xlsx.write(titleline, i+1, title[i], headFormat); xlsx.setColumnWidth(i+1, columnwidth[i]);//設定列寬 } //寫了內容 int dataline = 2; int extra = dataname.size()+1; QString strBaseDir = CConfig::instance()->GetResaultPath(); for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++) { QVariantMap tempInfo = lists.at(i).toMap(); for (int s = 0; s < dataname.size(); s++) {//行列 if (dataname[s] == "targetpic") { QString sorucepic = tempInfo.value(dataname.at(s)).toString(); QFileInfo file(sorucepic); if (file.exists()) { QFile::copy(sorucepic, strTargetDir+ file.fileName());//從源路徑將檔案複製到目標路徑 } xlsx.write(i + dataline, s + 1, file.fileName(), Format2); if (worksheet) { QString strRelatePath = "目標小圖/" + file.fileName(); QUrl url(strRelatePath); worksheet->writeHyperlink(i + dataline, s + 1, url, formatHyperLink, file.fileName(), "點選檢視圖片"); } QString strPath = file.absolutePath(); if (strPath.contains(strBaseDir)) { strPath.remove(strBaseDir); } if (strPath.right(1)=="/") { strPath = strPath.left(strPath.size() - 1); } //C:/Program Files (x86)/OVIT/components/AnalysisCenter/AnalysisPic/渣土車/觀沙嶺/NVR_ch7_main_20240307010003_20240307020003.mp4/StructPic/_6_45064_1gPWb5S3f10.JPG QStringList listDir = strPath.split("/"); if (listDir.size()>2) { listDir.pop_back(); listDir.pop_back(); for (int m=0;m<listDir.size();m++) { xlsx.write(i + dataline, extra + m, listDir[m], Format2); } } } else if (dataname[s] == "relatepic") { QString backpic = tempInfo.value(dataname.at(s)).toString(); QFileInfo file(backpic); if (file.exists()) { QFile::copy(backpic, strBackDir+ file.fileName());//從源路徑將檔案複製到目標路徑 } xlsx.write(i + dataline, s + 1, file.fileName(), Format2); if (worksheet) { QString strRelatePath = "背景大圖/" + file.fileName(); QUrl url(strRelatePath); worksheet->writeHyperlink(i + dataline, s + 1, url, formatHyperLink,file.fileName(), "點選檢視圖片"); } } else { xlsx.write(i + dataline, s + 1, tempInfo.value(dataname.at(s)).toString(), Format2); } } } bool b = xlsx.saveAs(strFilePath); if (!b) { LOG_ERROR("Save to Excel failed %s", strFilePath.toStdString().c_str()); return iRet; } return 0; }