在Google Cloud platform上建立Kubernetes cluster並使用
登入Google Cloud platform,建立一個新的Kubernetes Cluster:
該叢集的node個數選擇為1,從Machine type下拉選單裡選擇CPU配置:
展開Advanced Edit,選擇該Kubernetes叢集安裝所在的作業系統的映象型別:
點選Create,得到一個Kubernetes cluster:
The images for these containers will be pulled from the public Docker repository and store. The containers will be connected to each other and have some ports exposed to the internet.
即可在Google Cloud Shell裡用kubectl命令列訪問這個Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-secret --docker-server= https:// index.docker.io/v1/ --docker-username=jerry password=jerrywang --docker-email=jerry.wang
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