- 1. 關鍵詞
- 2. strfmt.h
- 3. strfmt.cpp
- 4. 測試程式碼
- 5. 執行結果
- 6. 原始碼地址
1. 關鍵詞
C++ 資料格式化 字串處理 std::string 時間區間 跨平臺
2. strfmt.h
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "timeutil.h"
namespace cutl
* @brief Format a time duration to a human-readable string.
* @param seconds the duration in seconds.
* @return std::string the formatted string.
std::string fmt_timeduration_s(uint64_t seconds);
* @brief Format a time duration to a human-readable string.
* @param microseconds the duration in microseconds.
* @return std::string the formatted string.
std::string fmt_timeduration_ms(uint64_t microseconds);
* @brief Format a time duration to a human-readable string.
* @param nanoseconds the duration in nanoseconds.
* @return std::string the formatted string.
std::string fmt_timeduration_us(uint64_t nanoseconds);
} // namespace cutl
3. strfmt.cpp
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <bitset>
#include "strfmt.h"
namespace cutl
std::string fmt_timeduration_s(uint64_t seconds)
std::string text;
if (seconds > ONE_DAY)
uint64_t day = seconds / ONE_DAY;
text += std::to_string(day) + "d:";
if (seconds > ONE_HOUR)
uint64_t hour = (seconds % ONE_DAY) / ONE_HOUR;
text += fmt_uint(hour, 2) + "h:";
if (seconds > ONE_MIN)
uint64_t min = (seconds % ONE_HOUR) / ONE_MIN;
text += fmt_uint(min, 2) + "m:";
uint64_t sec = (seconds % ONE_MIN);
text += fmt_uint(sec, 2) + "s";
return text;
std::string fmt_timeduration_ms(uint64_t microseconds)
auto s = microseconds / THOUSAND;
auto ms = microseconds % THOUSAND;
auto text = fmt_timeduration_s(s);
text += "." + fmt_uint(ms, 3) + "ms";
return text;
std::string fmt_timeduration_us(uint64_t nanoseconds)
auto s = nanoseconds / MILLION;
auto ms = nanoseconds % MILLION;
auto text = fmt_timeduration_s(s);
text += "." + fmt_uint(ms, 6) + "us";
return text;
} // namespace cutl
4. 測試程式碼
#include "common.hpp"
#include "strfmt.h"
void TestFormatDurationTime()
// 180100345), "2d:2h:1m:40s:345ms"
std::cout << "duration1: " << cutl::fmt_timeduration_s(180100) << std::endl;
std::cout << "duration2: " << cutl::fmt_timeduration_ms(180100345) << std::endl;
std::cout << "duration3: " << cutl::fmt_timeduration_us(180100345678) << std::endl;
5. 執行結果
duration1: 2d:02h:01m:40s
duration2: 2d:02h:01m:40s.345ms
duration3: 2d:02h:01m:40s.345678us
6. 原始碼地址
更多詳細程式碼,請檢視本人寫的C++ 通用工具庫: common_util, 本專案已開源,程式碼簡潔,且有詳細的文件和Demo。