爬蟲 | 非同步請求aiohttp模組


aiohttp模組,也就是async io http操作

# 1. 建立一個物件
aioreq = aiohttp.ClientSession() >>> 即對應非同步的requests

# 2. 用這個非同步requests來傳送請求
resp = aioreq.get(url)

# 3. 非同步寫入檔案,用到aiofiles模組,pip安裝,可學習:https://www.w3cschool.cn/article/86236403.html

async with aiofiles.open(...) as f:
  await f.write()

而非同步中規定必須在with前面加上async,即 async with..."""


import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiofiles

1. 非同步傳送請求
2. 非同步儲存資訊
3. 非同步寫入文件

async def download(url):

    """第一種寫法是推薦寫法,用async with來管理會話、清理資源"""
    # 1. 非同步傳送請求 >>> aiohttp.ClientSession() = 非同步requests
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as aioreq:
        # # 2. 獲得響應,儲存資訊
        async with aioreq.get(url) as resp:
            r_content = await resp.content.read()
            # # 3. 非同步寫入檔案
            name = url.split('/')[-1]
            async with aiofiles.open(rf"F:\非同步\{name}", mode="wb") as  f:
                await f.write(r_content)

        print(f'{name}', '完成')

    # # 1. 非同步傳送請求 >>> aiohttp.ClientSession() = requests
    # aioreq = aiohttp.ClientSession()
    # # 2. 獲得響應,儲存資訊
    # resp = await aioreq.get(url)  # 非同步掛起
    # r_content = await resp.content.read()
    # # 3. 非同步寫入檔案
    # name = url.split('/')[-1]
    # async with aiofiles.open(rf"F:\非同步\{name}", mode="wb") as f:
    #     await f.write(r_content)
    # await resp.release()  >>> 文心一言說沒有這種操作
    # await aioreq.close()

async def main():
    urls = [

    tasks = []
    for url in urls:
        task = asyncio.create_task(download(url))

    await asyncio.wait(tasks)

if __name__ == "__main__":
