SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載


I have one material in ERP:

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

This material has 001 assigned as Material group, 001000010500000110 as product hierarchy.

Type: HAWA

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

Once this material is synchronized to CRM, three product categories are automatically assigned to this product as below:

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

Mapping relationship

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

In fact, the whole product hierarchy in ERP ( tree style ) is downloaded to CRM via middleware:

Below is a screenshot of Product hierarchy maintenance view in ERP.

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

It is not supported to review product hierarchy in ERP via tree style, so Jerry has written a tool to achieve it:

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

# Conclusion

Product hierarchy in ERP will be downloaded to CRM as product hierarchy.

The sreenshot below is downloaded product hierarchy in CRM:

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

Material group in ERP will also be downloaded to CRM as product hierarchy - flat structure, since material group in ERP is also flat.

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載 SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

Yesterday we are talking about where the following three hierarchy IDs are hardcoded.

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

The IDs are pre-configured into this System table. The entry could not be changed by customer.

SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載 SAP ERP的material type和group如何通過中介軟體下載

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