vue 發起get請求和post請求



C:\Users\Administrator>npm init vite-app his-project

> npx
> create-vite-app his-project

Scaffolding project in C:\Users\Administrator\his-project...

Done. Now run:

  cd his-project
  npm install (or `yarn`)
  npm run dev (or `yarn dev`)

C:\Users\Administrator>cd his-project

C:\Users\Administrator\his-project>npm install
npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
npm warn deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead

added 299 packages, and audited 300 packages in 1m

39 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

7 vulnerabilities (1 low, 3 moderate, 3 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

C:\Users\Administrator\his-project>npm run dev

> his-project@0.0.0 dev
> vite

[vite] Optimizable dependencies detected:

  Dev server running at:
  > Network:
  > Network:
  > Local:    http://localhost:3000/



    <button @click="fetchData">發起 GET 請求</button>  
    <button @click="postData">發起 POST 請求</button>  
    <!-- 你可以在這裡新增用於顯示響應資料的元素 -->  
    <div v-if="responseData">  
      <pre>{{ responseData }}</pre>  
import axios from 'axios';  
export default {  
  data() {  
    return {  
      responseData: null, // 用於儲存響應資料的變數  
  methods: {  
    // 發起 GET 請求的方法  
    fetchData() {  
      axios.get('') // 替換為你的 API URL  
        .then(response => {  
          this.responseData =; // 儲存響應資料  
        .catch(error => {  
          console.error('GET 請求失敗:', error);  
    // 發起 POST 請求的方法  
    postData() {  
      const postData = {  
        key1: 'value1',  
        message: 'value2' // 根據你的 API 要求設定資料  
      };  '', postData) // 替換為你的 API URL  
        .then(response => {  
          this.responseData =; // 儲存響應資料  
        .catch(error => {  
          console.error('POST 請求失敗:', error);  


from flask import Flask, request, jsonify  
from flask_cors import CORS
app = Flask(__name__)  
CORS(app, resources=r'/*')
@app.route('/get_data', methods=['GET'])  
def get_data():  
    # 這裡可以新增獲取資料的邏輯  
    data = {'message': 'Hello from GET request','data':'test_data'}  
    return jsonify(data)  

@app.route('/post_data', methods=['POST'])  
def post_data():  
    # 假設我們期望收到一個 JSON 資料體  
    data = request.get_json()  # 從請求中獲取 JSON 資料  
    # 你可以在這裡新增處理資料的邏輯  
    message = data.get('message', 'No message provided')  
    response = {'message': f'Received: {message}'}  
    return jsonify(response), 201  # 201 是CREATED狀態碼,表示資源已成功建立  
if __name__ == '__main__':

