VMware中國研發中心一直致力於前沿領域的創新工作,成功創立並開發了使用者普遍使用的 Harbor 容器映象倉庫等開源專案,在國內雲原生領域有著深遠的影響力。為滿足專案發展需要,現招聘開發工程師一名(Staff level),需熟悉 Kubernetes, Docker 等容器平臺,開發雲原生為主、人工智慧為輔的開源專案,涉及多個業界熱門和超前的技術領域,和業界大咖合作、待遇優厚、不加班,靈活工作時間,出國學習交流機會,歡迎大家踴躍投遞簡歷或轉發給需要的朋友!
- 電腦科學或相近專業本科以上學歷
- 6年以上應用程式碼開發經驗
- 熟悉至少一門現代程式語言,如 Go, Python, Java
- 對雲原生技術,如容器,K8s等有較多的專案經驗
- 具有人工智慧、機器學習方面經驗者優先
- 熟悉 Kubeflow, Tensorflow, PyTorch 等機器學習框架優先
- 熟悉開源軟體社群運作,參與過開源專案貢獻者優先
- 良好的英語溝通能力,可以和國際團隊協作。
- BS or above in Computer Science or equivalent.
- 6+ years of industry work experience and hands-on development.
- Experienced in one of modern programming languages such as Go, Python, Java, C++.
- Hands-on experience on cloud native technologies such as container, Docker and Kubernetes.
- Experienced in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a plus, familiar with frameworks and projects, such as Kubeflow, Tensorflow, PyTorch, is a plus.
- Good understanding on data center infrastructure like storage, networking and server.
- Familiar with open source community, contribution to open source projects is a plus.
- Experience on virtualization, knowledge on vSphere platform is a plus.
- Excellent English and communication skills and capability of cooperating with remote peers.
請發簡歷:harbor @vmware.com 註明:雲原生職位
- VMware招聘資深開發工程師,不加班,靈活工作時間工程師
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