搭建備庫時報錯“ORA-00203: using the wrong control files”
搭建備庫時報錯“ORA-00203: using the wrong control files”
SYS@lhrrac1DG> startup force mount ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 630501376 bytes Fixed Size 2230992 bytes Variable Size 440403248 bytes Database Buffers 180355072 bytes Redo Buffers 7512064 bytes ORA-00203: using the wrong control files ORA-00202: control file: '+DATADG/lhrrac1/controlfile/current.314.1014550361'
[root@raclhr-11gR2-N1 ~]# oerr ora 203 00203, 00000, "using the wrong control files" // *Cause: The mount ID in the control file is not the same as the // mount ID in the control file used by the first instance to // mount this database. The control files are for the same database // but they are not the same files. Most likely one instance is using // a backup control file. // *Action: Check that the correct control files were specified. [root@raclhr-11gR2-N1 ~]# oerr ora 202 00202, 00000, "control file: '%s'" // *Cause: This message reports the name file involved in other messages. // *Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.
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