Solaris 9 disk suite cluster3.1 oracle10g 雙機安裝文件
一、 硬體配置
Sun Fire V890 Server 2臺
2G b PCI 單邊光纖主機介面卡 2塊
四口10/100/1000自適應乙太網卡 2塊
二、 軟體配置
Solaris 9(9/05)
Sun Cluster 3.1(9/04)
Oracle 10g (
Sun補丁(9_Recommended 17/04/06)
三、 作業系統安裝
0 / 123006MB
1 swap 16009MB
2 整個硬碟
3 (未用分割槽)
4 (未用分割槽)
5 (未用分割槽)
6 /globaldevices 516MB
7 109MB
注:IPMP 測試地址 ,
oracle 對外地址
注:IPMP 測試地址 ,
oracle 對外地址
心跳網口 ce0 ce1
9_Recommended 17/04/06
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=2048
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=2048
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=2048
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=2048
set semsys:seminfo_semume=200
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=200
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=200
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=200
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1
set ce:ce_reclaim_pending=1
set ce:ce_taskq_disable=1
注:set ce:ce_reclaim_pending=1對ce網路卡在NAFO中的bug進行修正。
# compress -dc SAN_4.4.9_install_it.tar.Z |tar xvf -
Logfile /var/tmp/install_it_Sun_StorEdge_SAN.log : created on Thu Apr 20 11:12:53 CST 2006
This routine installs the packages and patches that
make up Sun StorEdge SAN.
Would you like to continue with the installation?
[y,n,?] y
Verifying system...
Checking for incompatiable SAN patches
Begin installation of SAN software
Installing StorEdge SAN packages -
Package SUNWsan : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWcfpl : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWcfplx : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWcfclr : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWcfcl : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWcfclx : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWfchbr : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWfchba : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWfchbx : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWfcsm : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWfcsmx : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWmdiu : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWjfca : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWjfcax : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWjfcau : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWjfcaux : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWemlxs : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWemlxsx : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWemlxu : Installed Successfully.
Package SUNWemlxux : Installed Successfully.
StorEdge SAN packages installation completed.
Begin patch installation
Patch 111847-08 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113046-01 : Installed Previously.
Patch 113049-01 : Installed Previously.
Patch 113039-13 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113040-18 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113041-11 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113042-14 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113043-12 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 113044-05 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 114476-07 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 114477-03 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 114478-07 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 114878-10 : Installed Successfully.
Patch 119914-08 : Installed Successfully.
Installation of Sun StorEdge SAN completed Successfully
Please reboot your system.
⑥設定OK下local-mac-address? True
OK setenv local-mac-address? True
OK reset-all
在sys-1和sys-2上編輯成如下: localhost sys-1 loghost sys-2 oracle
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:21 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:14:23
四、 安裝SSH
① 下載軟體
② 安裝GCC、MAKE軟體
#pkgadd -d gcc*
#pkgadd -d make*
③ 編輯/.profile
# cp /etc/skel/local.profile /.profile
# vi /.profile
export PATH
# . /.profile (使/.profile生效)
③ 編譯安裝SSH
#tar xvf ssh-3.2.5.tar
#cd ssh*
#make install
④ 生成密匙
#ssh-keygen2 -b 1024 輸入使用者名稱root及密碼
⑤ 啟動sshd2
# /usr/local/sbin/sshd2
⑥ 設定ssh2自動啟動
#vi /etc/rc2.d/S99local 加入/usr/local/sbin/sshd2
五、 配置IPMP
① 修改/etc/hostname.eri0
#vi /etc/hostname.eri0加入 netmask + broadcast + group xxml up addif deprecated -failover netmask + broadcast + up
② 修改/etc/hostname.ce3
#vi /etc/hostname.ce3加入 netmask + broadcast + group xxml up deprecated -failover standby up
③ 加入預設閘道器
# vi /etc/defaultrouter
# ping alive
六、安裝Sun Cluster 3.1軟體
① 安裝Sun Web Console
#cd /cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_web_console/2.1
Installation complete.
Server not started! No management applications registered.
② 安裝Sun Cluster3.1軟體
#cd /cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Prudct/sun_cluster
點選 install now
七、 建立節點
① 以sys-1作為第一節點建立cluster
*** Main Menu ***
Please select from one of the following (*) options:
* 1) Install a cluster or cluster node
2) Configure a cluster to be JumpStarted from this install server
3) Add support for new data services to this cluster node
* 4) Print release information for this cluster node
* ?) Help with menu options
* q) Quit
Option: 1
*** Install Menu ***
Please select from any one of the following options:
1) Install all nodes of a new cluster
2) Install just this machine as the first node of a new cluster
3) Add this machine as a node in an existing cluster
?) Help with menu options
q) Return to the Main Menu
Option: 2
*** Installing just the First Node of a New Cluster ***
This option is used to establish a new cluster using this machine as
the first node in that cluster.
Once the cluster framework software is installed, you will be asked
for the name of the cluster. Then, you will have the opportunity to
run sccheck(1M) to test this machine for basic Sun Cluster
pre-configuration requirements.
After sccheck(1M) passes, you will be asked for the names of the
other nodes which will initially be joining that cluster. In
addition, you will be asked to provide certain cluster transport
configuration information.
Press Control-d at any time to return to the Main Menu.
Do you want to continue (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Software Patch Installation <<
If there are any Solaris or Sun Cluster patches that need to be added
as part of this Sun Cluster installation, scinstall can add them for
you. All patches that need to be added must first be downloaded into
a common patch directory. Patches can be downloaded into the patch
directory either as individual patches or as patches grouped together
into one or more tar, jar, or zip files.
If a patch list file is provided in the patch directory, only those
patches listed in the patch list file are installed. Otherwise, all
patches found in the directory will be installed. Refer to the
patchadd(1M) man page for more information regarding patch list files.
Do you want scinstall to install patches for you (yes/no) [yes]?
What is the name of the patch directory? /cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Packages
If a patch list file is provided in the patch directory, only those
patches listed in the patch list file are installed. Otherwise, all
patches found in the directory will be installed. Refer to the
patchadd(1M) man page for more information regarding patch list files.
Do you want scinstall to use a patch list file (yes/no) [no]?
>>> Cluster Name <<
Each cluster has a name assigned to it. The name can be made up of
any characters other than whitespace. Each cluster name should be
unique within the namespace of your enterprise.
What is the name of the cluster you want to establish? test
>>> Check <<
This step allows you to run sccheck(1M) to verify that certain basic
hardware and software pre-configuration requirements have been met.
If sccheck(1M) detects potential problems with configuring this
machine as a cluster node, a report of failed checks is prepared and
available for display on the screen. Data gathering and report
generation can take several minutes, depending on system
Do you want to run sccheck (yes/no) [yes]? no
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:23 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:15:02
>>> Cluster Nodes <<
This Sun Cluster release supports a total of up to 16 nodes.
Please list the names of the other nodes planned for the initial
cluster configuration. List one node name per line. When finished,
type Control-D:
Node name: sys-1
Node name: sys-2
Node name (Control-D to finish): ^D__
This is the complete list of nodes:
Is it correct (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Authenticating Requests to Add Nodes <<
Once the first node establishes itself as a single node cluster,
other nodes attempting to add themselves to the cluster configuration
must be found on the list of nodes you just provided. You can modify
this list using scconf(1M) or other tools once the cluster has been
By default, nodes are not securely authenticated as they attempt to
add themselves to the cluster configuration. This is generally
considered adequate, since nodes which are not physically connected
to the private cluster interconnect will never be able to actually
join the cluster. However, DES authentication is available. If DES
authentication is selected, you must configure all necessary
encryption keys before any node will be allowed to join the cluster
(see keyserv(1M), publickey(4)).
Do you need to use DES authentication (yes/no) [no]?
>>> Network Address for the Cluster Transport <<
The private cluster transport uses a default network address of But, if this network address is already in use elsewhere
within your enterprise, you may need to select another address from
the range of recommended private addresses (see RFC 1597 for details).
If you do select another network address, bear in mind that the Sun
Cluster software requires that the rightmost two octets always be
The default netmask is You can select another netmask,
as long as it minimally masks all bits given in the network address.
Is it okay to accept the default network address (yes/no) [yes]?
Is it okay to accept the default netmask (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Point-to-Point Cables <<
The two nodes of a two-node cluster may use a directly-connected
interconnect. That is, no cluster transport junctions are configured.
However, when there are greater than two nodes, this interactive form.
of scinstall assumes that there will be exactly two cluster transport
Does this two-node cluster use transport junctions (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Cluster Transport Junctions <<
All cluster transport adapters in this cluster must be cabled to a
transport junction, or "switch". And, each adapter on a given node
must be cabled to a different junction. Interactive scinstall
requires that you identify two switches for use in the cluster and
the two transport adapters on each node to which they are cabled.
What is the name of the first junction in the cluster [switch1]?
What is the name of the second junction in the cluster [switch2]?
>>> Cluster Transport Adapters and Cables <<
You must configure at least two cluster transport adapters for each
node in the cluster. These are the adapters which attach to the
private cluster interconnect.
Select the first cluster transport adapter:
1) ce0
2) ce1
3) ce2
4) ce3
5) ge0
6) Other
Option: 1
Adapter "ce0" is an Ethernet adapter.
Searching for any unexpected network traffic on "ce0" ... done
Verification completed. No traffic was detected over a 10 second
sample period.
The "dlpi" transport type will be set for this cluster.
Name of the junction to which "ce0" is connected [switch1]?
Each adapter is cabled to a particular port on a transport junction.
And, each port is assigned a name. You can explicitly assign a name
to each port. Or, for Ethernet switches, you can choose to allow
scinstall to assign a default name for you. The default port name
assignment sets the name to the node number of the node hosting the
transport adapter at the other end of the cable.
For more information regarding port naming requirements, refer to the
scconf_transp_jct family of man pages (e.g.,
Use the default port name for the "ce0" connection (yes/no) [yes]?
Select the second cluster transport adapter:
1) ce0
2) ce1
3) ce2
4) ce3
5) ge0
6) Other
Option: 2
Adapter "ce1" is an Ethernet adapter.
Searching for any unexpected network traffic on "ce1" ... done
Verification completed. No traffic was detected over a 10 second
sample period.
Name of the junction to which "ce1" is connected [switch2]?
Use the default port name for the "ce1" connection (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Global Devices File System <<
Each node in the cluster must have a local file system mounted on
/global/.devices/node@ before it can successfully participate
as a cluster member. Since the "nodeID" is not assigned until
scinstall is run, scinstall will set this up for you.
You must supply the name of either an already-mounted file system or
raw disk partition which scinstall can use to create the global
devices file system. This file system or partition should be at least
512 MB in size.
If an already-mounted file system is used, the file system must be
empty. If a raw disk partition is used, a new file system will be
created for you.
The default is to use /globaldevices.
Is it okay to use this default (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Automatic Reboot <<
Once scinstall has successfully installed and initialized the Sun
Cluster software for this machine, it will be necessary to reboot.
After the reboot, this machine will be established as the first node
in the new cluster.
Do you want scinstall to reboot for you (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Confirmation <<
Your responses indicate the following options to scinstall:
scinstall -ik \
-C test \
-F \
-M patchdir=/cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Packages \
-T node=sys-1,node=sys-2,authtype=sys \
-A trtype=dlpi,name=ce0 -A trtype=dlpi,name=ce1 \
-B type=switch,name=switch1 -B type=switch,name=switch2 \
-m endpoint=:ce0,endpoint=switch1 \
-m endpoint=:ce1,endpoint=switch2 \
Are these the options you want to use (yes/no) [yes]?
Do you want to continue with the install (yes/no) [yes]?
Checking device to use for global devices file system ... done
Installing patches ... failed
scinstall: Problems detected during extraction or installation of patches.
Initializing cluster name to "xxml" ... done
Initializing authentication options ... done
Initializing configuration for adapter "ce0" ... done
Initializing configuration for adapter "ce1" ... done
Initializing configuration for junction "switch1" ... done
Initializing configuration for junction "switch2" ... done
Initializing configuration for cable ... done
Initializing configuration for cable ... done
Setting the node ID for "sys-1" ... done (id=1)
Setting the major number for the "did" driver ... done
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:24 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:15:52
"did" driver major number set to 300
Checking for global devices global file system ... done
Updating vfstab ... done
Verifying that NTP is configured ... done
Installing a default NTP configuration ... done
Please complete the NTP configuration after scinstall has finished.
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that power management is NOT configured ... done
Unconfiguring power management ... done
/etc/power.conf has been renamed to /etc/power.conf.042006154016
Power management is incompatible with the HA goals of the cluster.
Please do not attempt to re-configure power management.
Ensure that the EEPROM parameter "local-mac-address?" is set to "true" ... done
Ensure network routing is disabled ... done
Network routing has been disabled on this node by creating /etc/notrouter.
Having a cluster node act as a router is not supported by Sun Cluster.
Please do not re-enable network routing.
Log file - /var/cluster/logs/install/scinstall.log.2140
② 將sys-2作為第二節點加入到cluster中
*** Main Menu ***
Please select from one of the following (*) options:
* 1) Install a cluster or cluster node
2) Configure a cluster to be JumpStarted from this install server
3) Add support for new data services to this cluster node
* 4) Print release information for this cluster node
* ?) Help with menu options
* q) Quit
Option: 1
*** Install Menu ***
Please select from any one of the following options:
1) Install all nodes of a new cluster
2) Install just this machine as the first node of a new cluster
3) Add this machine as a node in an existing cluster
?) Help with menu options
q) Return to the Main Menu
Option: 3
*** Adding a Node to an Existing Cluster ***
This option is used to add this machine as a node in an already
established cluster. If this is an initial cluster install, there may
only be a single node which has established itself in the new cluster.
Once the cluster framework software is installed, you will be asked
to provide both the name of the cluster and the name of one of the
nodes already in the cluster. Then, sccheck(1M) is run to test this
machine for basic Sun Cluster pre-configuration requirements.
After sccheck(1M) passes, you may be asked to provide certain cluster
transport configuration information.
Press Control-d at any time to return to the Main Menu.
Do you want to continue (yes/no) [yes]?
>>> Software Patch Installation <<
If there are any Solaris or Sun Cluster patches that need to be added
as part of this Sun Cluster installation, scinstall can add them for
you. All patches that need to be added must first be downloaded into
a common patch directory. Patches can be downloaded into the patch
directory either as individual patches or as patches grouped together
into one or more tar, jar, or zip files.
If a patch list file is provided in the patch directory, only those
patches listed in the patch list file are installed. Otherwise, all
patches found in the directory will be installed. Refer to the
patchadd(1M) man page for more information regarding patch list files.
Do you want scinstall to install patches for you (yes/no) [yes]?
What is the name of the patch directory [/cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Packages]?
If a patch list file is provided in the patch directory, only those
patches listed in the patch list file are installed. Otherwise, all
patches found in the directory will be installed. Refer to the
patchadd(1M) man page for more information regarding patch list files.
Do you want scinstall to use a patch list file (yes/no) [no]?
>>> Sponsoring Node <<
For any machine to join a cluster, it must identify a node in that
cluster willing to "sponsor" its membership in the cluster. When
configuring a new cluster, this "sponsor" node is typically the first
node used to build the new cluster. However, if the cluster is
already established, the "sponsoring" node can be any node in that
Already established clusters can keep a list of hosts which are able
to configure themselves as new cluster members. This machine should
be in the join list of any cluster which it tries to join. If the
list does not include this machine, you may need to add it using
scconf(1M) or other tools.
And, if the target cluster uses DES to authenticate new machines
attempting to configure themselves as new cluster members, the
necessary encryption keys must be configured before any attempt to
What is the name of the sponsoring node [sys-1]?
>>> Cluster Name <<
Each cluster has a name assigned to it. When adding a node to the
cluster, you must identify the name of the cluster you are attempting
to join. A sanity check is performed to verify that the "sponsoring"
node is a member of that cluster.
What is the name of the cluster you want to join [test]?
Attempting to contact "sys-1" ... done
Cluster name "xxml" is correct.
Press Enter to continue:
>>> Check <<
This step allows you to run sccheck(1M) to verify that certain basic
hardware and software pre-configuration requirements have been met.
If sccheck(1M) detects potential problems with configuring this
machine as a cluster node, a report of failed checks is prepared and
available for display on the screen. Data gathering and report
generation can take several minutes, depending on system
Do you want to run sccheck (yes/no) [yes]? No
>>> Autodiscovery of Cluster Transport <<
If you are using Ethernet adapters as your cluster transport
adapters, autodiscovery is the best method for configuring the
cluster transport.
However, it appears that scinstall has already been run at least once
before on this machine. You can either attempt to autodiscover or
continue with the answers that you gave the last time you ran
Do you want to use autodiscovery anyway (yes/no) [no]? yes
Probing .....................
The following connection was discovered:
sys-1:ce1 switch2 sys-2:ce1
Probes were sent out from all transport adapters configured for
cluster node "sys-1". But, they were only received on one of the
network adapters on this machine ("sys-2"). This may be due to
any number of reasons, including improper cabling, an improper
configuration for "sys-1", or a switch which was confused by the
You can either attempt to correct the problem and try the probes
again or try to manually configure the transport. Correcting the
problem may involve re-cabling, changing the configuration for
"sys-1", or fixing hardware.
Do you want to try again (yes/no) [yes]? no
[H [J [H [J
>>> Point-to-Point Cables <<
The two nodes of a two-node cluster may use a directly-connected
interconnect. That is, no cluster transport junctions are configured.
However, when there are greater than two nodes, this interactive form.
of scinstall assumes that there will be exactly two cluster transport
Is this a two-node cluster (yes/no) [yes]?
Does this two-node cluster use transport junctions (yes/no) [yes]?
[H [J [H [J
>>> Cluster Transport Junctions <<
All cluster transport adapters in this cluster must be cabled to a
transport junction, or "switch". And, each adapter on a given node
must be cabled to a different junction. Interactive scinstall
requires that you identify two switches for use in the cluster and
the two transport adapters on each node to which they are cabled.
What is the name of the first junction in the cluster [switch1]?
What is the name of the second junction in the cluster [switch2]?
[H [J [H [J
>>> Cluster Transport Adapters and Cables <<
You must configure at least two cluster transport adapters for each
node in the cluster. These are the adapters which attach to the
private cluster interconnect.
What is the name of the first cluster transport adapter (help) [ce0]?
Adapter "ce0" is an Ethernet adapter.
The "dlpi" transport type will be set for this cluster.
Name of the junction to which "ce0" is connected [switch1]?
Each adapter is cabled to a particular port on a transport junction.
And, each port is assigned a name. You can explicitly assign a name
to each port. Or, for Ethernet switches, you can choose to allow
scinstall to assign a default name for you. The default port name
assignment sets the name to the node number of the node hosting the
transport adapter at the other end of the cable.
For more information regarding port naming requirements, refer to the
scconf_transp_jct family of man pages (e.g.,
Use the default port name for the "ce0" connection (yes/no) [yes]?
What is the name of the second cluster transport adapter (help) [ce1]?
Adapter "ce1" is an Ethernet adapter.
Name of the junction to which "ce1" is connected [switch2]?
Use the default port name for the "ce1" connection (yes/no) [yes]?
[H [J [H [J
>>> Global Devices File System <<
Each node in the cluster must have a local file system mounted on
/global/.devices/node@ before it can successfully participate
as a cluster member. Since the "nodeID" is not assigned until
scinstall is run, scinstall will set this up for you.
You must supply the name of either an already-mounted file system or
raw disk partition which scinstall can use to create the global
devices file system. This file system or partition should be at least
512 MB in size.
If an already-mounted file system is used, the file system must be
empty. If a raw disk partition is used, a new file system will be
created for you.
The default is to use /globaldevices.
Is it okay to use this default (yes/no) [yes]?
[H [J [H [J
>>> Automatic Reboot <<
Once scinstall has successfully installed and initialized the Sun
Cluster software for this machine, it will be necessary to reboot.
The reboot will cause this machine to join the cluster for the first
Do you want scinstall to reboot for you (yes/no) [yes]?
[H [J [H [J
>>> Confirmation <<
Your responses indicate the following options to scinstall:
scinstall -ik \
-C xxml \
-N sjz-xxml-1 \
-M patchdir=/cdrom/suncluster_31_u3_sol_sparc/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Packages \
-A trtype=dlpi,name=ce0 -A trtype=dlpi,name=ce1 \
-m endpoint=:ce0,endpoint=switch1 \
-m endpoint=:ce1,endpoint=switch2 \
Are these the options you want to use (yes/no) [yes]?
Do you want to continue with the install (yes/no) [yes]?
Checking device to use for global devices file system ... done
Installing patches ... failed
scinstall: Problems detected during extraction or installation of patches.
Adding node "sys-2" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding adapter "ce0" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding adapter "ce1" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding cable to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding cable to the cluster configuration ... done
Copying the config from "sys-1" ... done
Copying the cacao keys from "sys-1" ... done
Setting the node ID for "sys-2" ... done (id=2)
Setting the major number for the "did" driver ...
Obtaining the major number for the "did" driver from "sys-1" ... done
"did" driver major number set to 300
Checking for global devices global file system ... done
Updating vfstab ... done
Verifying that NTP is configured ... done
Installing a default NTP configuration ... done
Please complete the NTP configuration after scinstall has finished.
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that power management is NOT configured ... done
Unconfiguring power management ... done
/etc/power.conf has been renamed to /etc/power.conf.042206104133
Power management is incompatible with the HA goals of the cluster.
Please do not attempt to re-configure power management.
Ensure that the EEPROM parameter "local-mac-address?" is set to "true" ...
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:27 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:16:59
八、 建立共享磁碟集
① 檢視DID裝置
# scdidadm -L
1 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1
2 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t2d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d2
3 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3
4 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t5d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
5 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5
6 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t4d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6
7 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c1t3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7
8 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8
8 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8
8 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8
8 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8
9 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60060160478D1900F658B0B052D0DA11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
9 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d9
10 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60060160478D19001269AABC52D0DA11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
10 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d52 /dev/did/rdsk/d10
11 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60060160478D1900F0377FC752D0DA11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
11 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d11
12 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60060160478D190082D97FD952D0DA11d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016830226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c2t5006016130226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016030226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
12 sys-2:/dev/rdsk/c3t5006016930226EF3d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d12
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:30 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:18:05
② 建立metaset磁碟組
#metadb -a -f -c 3 c1t0d0s7 (同時在sys-2上操作)
# metadb
flags first blk block count
a u 16 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7
a u 8208 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7
a u 16400 8192 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7
# metaset -s oraset -a -h sys-1 sys-2
# metaset -s oraset -t
# metaset
Set name = oraset, Set number = 1
Host Owner
sys-1 yes
③ 將共享DID裝置加入到oraset組中
#metaset -s oraset -a /dev/did/rdsk/d9 /dev/did/rdsk/d10 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d11 /dev/did/rdsk/d12 /dev/did/rdsk/d13 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d14 /dev/did/rdsk/d15 /dev/did/rdsk/d16 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d17 /dev/did/rdsk/d18 /dev/did/rdsk/d19 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d20 /dev/did/rdsk/d21 /dev/did/rdsk/d22 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d23 /dev/did/rdsk/d24 /dev/did/rdsk/d25 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d26 /dev/did/rdsk/d27 /dev/did/rdsk/d28 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d29 /dev/did/rdsk/d30 /dev/did/rdsk/d31 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d32 /dev/did/rdsk/d33 /dev/did/rdsk/d34 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d35 /dev/did/rdsk/d36 /dev/did/rdsk/d37 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d38 /dev/did/rdsk/d39 /dev/did/rdsk/d40 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d41 /dev/did/rdsk/d42 /dev/did/rdsk/d43 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d44 /dev/did/rdsk/d45 /dev/did/rdsk/d46 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d47 /dev/did/rdsk/d48 /dev/did/rdsk/d49 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d50 /dev/did/rdsk/d51 /dev/did/rdsk/d52 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d53 /dev/did/rdsk/d54 /dev/did/rdsk/d55 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d56 /dev/did/rdsk/d57 /dev/did/rdsk/d58 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d59 /dev/did/rdsk/d60 /dev/did/rdsk/d61 \
④ 13塊盤建立Raid0 Concatenation
# metainit oraset/d110 13 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d9s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d10s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d11s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d12s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d13s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d14s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d15s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d16s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d17s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d18s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d19s0 1 \
/dev/did/rdsk/d20s0 1 /dev/did/rdsk/d21s0
oraset/d110: Concat/Stripe is setup
RAID 0是把多個硬碟空間組織在一起形成一個大的邏輯盤。Concatenation方式相當把多個盤空間一個一個一次串接,stripe方式是把每個盤空間劃分為一條條的,然後按條(不論該條在哪個盤上)將空間重新組織成一個大的邏輯盤。
⑤ 在oraset/d110上建立軟分割槽存放oracle資料庫檔案
# metainit oraset/d111 -p d110 50m
oraset/d111: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d112 -p d110 50m
oraset/d112: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d113 -p d110 50m
oraset/d113: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d114 -p d110 1024m
oraset/d114: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d115 -p d110 1024m
oraset/d115: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d116 -p d110 1024m
oraset/d116: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d117 -p d110 1024m
oraset/d117: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d118 -p d110 1024m
oraset/d118: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d119 -p d110 2048m
oraset/d119: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d120 -p d110 2048m
oraset/d120: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d121 -p d110 2048m
oraset/d121: Soft Partition is setup
# metainit oraset/d122 -p d110 8192m
oraset/d122: Soft Partition is setup
⑥ 改變新建裸裝置宿主
# chown oracle /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d*
# chgrp dba /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d*
# chmod 600 /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d*
# ls -lL /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d1*
九、 安裝oracle 10G軟體
① 獲取oracle 10G(介質
② 設定oracle安裝環境
#groupadd oinstall
#groupadd dba
#useradd -d /export/home/oracle -g oinstall -G dba -m oracle
#passwd oracle
#mkdir /oracle
#mkdir /oracle/oradata
#chown -R oracle:oinstall /oracle/oradata
#chmod 755 /oracle/oradata
#su - oracle
#vi .profile
This is the default standard profile provided to a user.
# They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.
umask 022
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:31 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:18:47
export PATH
③ 安裝oracle軟體
#cd /cdrom/cdrom0
十、 建立oracle資料庫所需檔案的連結至裸裝置
# su - oracle
$ mkdir -p /oracle/oradata/orcl
$ cd /oracle/oradata/orcl
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d111 control01.ctl
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d112 control02.ctl
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d113 control03.ctl
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d114 sysaux01.dbf
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d115 system01.dbf
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d116 temp01.dbf
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d117 undotbs01.dbf
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d118 users01.dbf
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d119 redo01.log
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d120 redo02.log
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d121 redo03.log
$ mkdir flash_recovery_area
$ ln -s /dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d122 flash_recovery_area
① 圖形化登陸sys-1,執行dbca建立資料庫
#cd /oracle/p*/*/*/bin
輸入Dabase Name orcl
SID orcl
輸入The Same Password For All Accounts oracle 點選Next
選擇Storage Options Raw Devices(裸裝置)點選Next
Flash Recovery Area {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/flash_recovery_area
Flash Recovery Size 4096MB
File name File Directory
control01.ctl {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
control02.ctl {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
control03.ctl {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
system01.dbf {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
undotbs01.dbf {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
sysaux01.dbf {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
users01.dbf {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
redo01.log {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
redo02.log {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
redo03.log {ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/
# cd /oracle/p*/*/*/bin
# netca
點選 Next
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:32 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:19:48
# su - oracle
$ sqlplus “as sysdba”
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Apr 23 14:14:12 2006
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 4294967296 bytes
Fixed Size 1984144 bytes
Variable Size 805312880 bytes
Database Buffers 3472883712 bytes
Redo Buffers 14786560 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
② 建立資料庫連線使用者,並賦予許可權
SQL> create user oracle identified by oracle;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to oracle;
Grant succeeded.
③ 將sys-1上的oracle軟體目錄打包後ftp至sys-2上,並解壓
# su - oracle
$ sqlplus “as sysdba”
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Apr 23 14:14:12 2006
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 4294967296 bytes
Fixed Size 1984144 bytes
Variable Size 805312880 bytes
Database Buffers 3472883712 bytes
Redo Buffers 14786560 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
④ 修改/oracle/product/
十四、新增oracle Agent
# ./scinstall
*** Main Menu ***
Please select from one of the following (*) options:
1) Install a cluster or cluster node
2) Configure a cluster to be JumpStarted from this install server
* 3) Add support for new data services to this cluster node
* 4) Print release information for this cluster node
* ?) Help with menu options
* q) Quit
*** Adding Data Service Software ***
This option is used to install data services software.
Where is the data services CD [/cdrom/cdrom0]? /export/soft/sc-agents-3_1_904-sparc
Select the data services you want to install:
Identifier Description
1) pax Sun Cluster HA for AGFA IMPAX
2) tomcat Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat
3) apache Sun Cluster HA for Apache
4) wls Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server
5) dhcp Sun Cluster HA for DHCP
6) dns Sun Cluster HA for DNS
7) ebs Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite
8) mqi Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator
9) mqs Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ
10) mys Sun Cluster HA for MySQL
n) Next >
q) Done
Option(s): n
Select the data services you want to install:
Identifier Description
11) sps Sun Cluster HA for N1 Grid Service Provisioning
12) nfs Sun Cluster HA for NFS
13) netbackup Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup
14) 9ias Sun Cluster HA for Oracle9i Application Server
15) oracle Sun Cluster HA for Oracle
16) sapdb Sun Cluster HA for SAPDB
17) sapwebas Sun Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server
18) sap Sun Cluster HA for SAP
19) livecache Sun Cluster HA for SAP liveCache
20) sge Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine
p) < Previous
n) Next >
q) Done
Option(s): 15
Selected: 15
Option(s): q
This is the complete list of data services you selected:
Is it correct (yes/no) [yes]?
Is it okay to add the software for this data service [yes]
scinstall -ik -s oracle -d /export/soft/sc-agents-3_1_904-sparc
** Installing Sun Cluster HA for Oracle **
Press Enter to continue: s
十五、建立Quorum devices
# scconf -a -q globaldev=d9
# scconf -a -q globaldev=d10
# scconf -c -q reset
[ 本帖最後由 阿毛~ 於 2006-4-25 16:33 編輯 ]
阿毛~ 回覆於:2006-04-25 16:20:19
① 註冊資源型別
# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.oracle_server
# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.oracle_listener
② 建立空資源組
scrgadm -a -g orareg
③ 增加IP資源Create a LogicalHostname resource
# scrgadm -a -L -g orareg -l oracle
④ 增加儲存資源Create an HAStoragePlus resource
# scrgadm -a -j oradata -g orareg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d112 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d113 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d114 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d115 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d116 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d117 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d118 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d119 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d120 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d121 \
-x GlobalDevicePaths=/dev/md/oraset/rdsk/d122
⑤ 增加應用資源 oracle_server Create an oracle_server resource
# scrgadm -a -j oraser -g orareg \
-t SUNW.oracle_server \
-x ORACLE_SID=orcl \
-x ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/ \
-x Alert_log_file=/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/alert_orcl.log \
-x Parameter_file=/oracle/admin/orcl/pfile/init.ora \
-x Connect_string=oracle/oracle
⑥ 增加資源Oracle_listener Create an oracle_listener resource by entering
# scrgadm -a -j oralistener -g orareg -t oracle_listener \
-x ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/ \
⑦ 啟用資源組Bring the resource group online
# scswitch -Z -g orareg
⑧ 檢視cluster狀態
# scstat
-- Cluster Nodes --
Node name Status
--------- ------
Cluster node: sys-1 Online
Cluster node: sys-2 Online
-- Cluster Transport Paths --
Endpoint Endpoint Status
-------- -------- ------
Transport path: sys-1:ce1 sys-2:ce1 Path online
Transport path: sys-1:ce0 sys-2:ce0 Path online
-- Quorum Summary --
Quorum votes possible: 4
Quorum votes needed: 3
Quorum votes present: 4
-- Quorum Votes by Node --
Node Name Present Possible Status
--------- ------- -------- ------
Node votes: sys-1 1 1 Online
Node votes: sys-2 1 1 Online
-- Quorum Votes by Device --
Device Name Present Possible Status
----------- ------- -------- ------
Device votes: /dev/did/rdsk/d9s2 1 1 Online
Device votes: /dev/did/rdsk/d10s2 1 1 Online
-- Device Group Servers --
Device Group Primary Secondary
------------ ------- ---------
Device group servers: oraset sys-1 sys-2
-- Device Group Status --
Device Group Status
------------ ------
Device group status: oraset Online
-- Multi-owner Device Groups --
Device Group Online Status
------------ -------------
-- Resource Groups and Resources --
Group Name Resources
---------- ---------
Resources: orareg oracle oradata oraser oralistener
-- Resource Groups --
Group Name Node Name State
---------- --------- -----
Group: orareg sys-1 Online
Group: orareg sys-2 Offline
-- Resources --
Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
------------- --------- ----- --------------
Resource: oracle sys-1 Online Online - LogicalHostname online.
Resource: oracle sys-2 Offline Offline - LogicalHostname offline.
Resource: oradata sys-1 Online Online
Resource: oradata sys-2 Offline Offline
Resource: oraser sys-1 Online Online
Resource: oraser sys-2 Offline Offline
Resource: oralistener sys-1 Online Online
Resource: oralistener sys-2 Offline Offline
-- IPMP Groups --
Node Name Group Status Adapter Status
--------- ----- ------ ------- ------
IPMP Group: sys-1 xxml Online eri0 Online
IPMP Group: sys-1 xxml Online ce3 Standby
IPMP Group: sys-2 xxml Online eri0 Online
IPMP Group: sys-2 xxml Online ce3 Standby
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