Oracle Database Link Problems【Blog 搬家】
Oracle Database Link Problems
cle 8 資料鏈路在程式中不能支援: ODBC
Microsoft OLE DB
Oralce OLE DB (在BPCS上可以,但在Cimprod不可以)
ORA-02041: client database did not begin a transaction
cause: An update occurred at a coordinated database without the coordinator beginning a distributed transaction. This may happen if a stored procedure commits and then performs updates, and the stored procedure is invoked remotely. It could also happen if an external transaction monitor violates the XA protocol.
Action: If the cause is the former, check that any commit is not followed by an update.
暫無解決辦法,還是透過Procedure 透過DB link把資料轉入GSN DB.
SQL Server 的Link Server:
也發生如下狀況,一直好好的procedure突然出現,但Link server好好的。
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]對遠端伺服器的存取被拒絕,因為登入對應不存在。
臨時解決辦法把建立connect的使用者的許可權提高為Server administrator.
myhuaer 發表於:2005.05.17 18:00 ::分類: ( Oracle Infomation ) ::閱讀:(467次)
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