IBM 的Oracle RAC 課程


      有一次給一個大客戶講AIX RAC,總共6個人聽。剛開始講的來挺自如的,到第四天有個學員說聽課的學員裡面有個OCM,我一下就緊張起來了,每講一句時都要想想這句說得有沒有問題。現在想想都比較可笑。

這課主要是針對AIX 上Oracle RAC 的架構來講解的,包括PowerHA ,GPFS和ASM。


AW40 Oracle 10gR2 RAC on AIX workshop

DAY 1:
    Unit 1: RAC concepts and overview
    Unit 2: IBM Advanced POWER Virtualization(APV) and Oracle
    Unit 3: AIX environment setup and preparation overview lab
DAY 2:
    Unit 4: Oracle 10g Clusterware and RAC installation
    Unit 5: Oracle 10g CRS lab
    Unit 6: Oraxle 10g DB binary lab
    Unit 7: Automatic Storage Management
    Unit 8: General Parallel File System(GPFS)
    Unit 9: GPFS lab
DAY 3:
    Unit 10: AIX tuning tips for Oracle -Part1
    Unit 11: ASM lab
    Unit 12: Oracle 10g database creation
    Unit 13: Oracle 10g database creation lab
    Unit 14: Transparent Application Failover(TAF)
    Unit 15: Transparent Application Failover(TAF) lab
    Unit 16: SwingBench Stress and demo tools
DAY 4:
 Unit 17: Oracle Enterprise Manager and Grid control
 Unit 18: Oracle performance monitoring
 Unit 19: Oracle enterprise Manager lab
 Unit 20: Oracle performance monitoring lab
 Unit 21: AIX tuning tips for Oracle -part 2
 Unit 22: Adding a node lab
DAY 5:
    Unit 23: RAC scale-up versus scale-out considerations
    Unit 24: Oracle Data Guard overview
    Unit 25: AIX6.1 for Oracle RAC new features

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