GGSCI (IBM_P740-3) 9> info ext_cen,showch
EXTRACT EXT_CEN Last Started 2014-04-12 17:39 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs
2014-04-15 13:56:41 Seqno 18257, RBA 10356224
SCN 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Current Checkpoint Detail:
Read Checkpoint #1
Oracle Redo Log
Startup Checkpoint (starting position in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18171
RBA: 38392336
Timestamp: 2014-04-12 17:39:22.000000
SCN: 3200.2634381277 (13746529728477)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo03.log
Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10355216
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987477 (13746531334677)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10356224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
BR Previous Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 0
Sequence #: 0
RBA: 0
Timestamp: 2014-04-12 17:39:49.370711
SCN: Not available
Redo File:
BR Begin Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 7540224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:40:48.000000
SCN: 3200.2635983297 (13746531330497)
Redo File:
BR End Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 7540224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:40:48.000000
SCN: 3200.2635983297 (13746531330497)
Redo File:
Write Checkpoint #1
GGS Log Trail
Current Checkpoint (current write position):
Sequence #: 79
RBA: 212814411
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:47.153573
Extract Trail: ./dirdat/et
Trail Type: EXTTRAIL
Version = 2
Record Source = A
Type = 10
# Input Checkpoints = 1
# Output Checkpoints = 1
File Information:
Block Size = 2048
Max Blocks = 100
Record Length = 2048
Current Offset = 0
Data Source = 3
Transaction Integrity = 1
Task Type = 0
Start Time = 2014-04-12 17:39:49
Last Update Time = 2014-04-15 13:56:47
Stop Status = A
Last Result = 400
add ext ext_cen, tranlog, begin now, threads 1
Write Checkpoint #1
GGS Log Trail
Current Checkpoint (current write position):
Sequence #: 79
RBA: 212814411
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:47.153573
Extract Trail: ./dirdat/et
Trail Type: EXTTRAIL
Version = 2
Record Source = A
Type = 10
# Input Checkpoints = 1
# Output Checkpoints = 1
File Information:
Block Size = 2048
Max Blocks = 100
Record Length = 2048
Current Offset = 0
Data Source = 3
Transaction Integrity = 1
Task Type = 0
Start Time = 2014-04-12 17:39:49
Last Update Time = 2014-04-15 13:56:47
Stop Status = A
Last Result = 400
ADD EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/et, EXTRACT ext_cen, megabytes 100, seqno 79, rba212814411
如果出現GoldenGate識別順序與資料庫實際情況不一樣,那麼接下來的ALTER EXT命令就要替換相應的THREAD引數
修改抽取程式的current checkpoint資訊。
接下來的操作為修改抽取程式的current checkpoint,由於此操作會觸發recovery checkpoint資訊變更,因此必須先於recovery checkpoint調整。
Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10356224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
alter EXT_cen,extseqno 18257,103562249194144,thread 1
修改抽取程式的recovery checkpoint資訊。
Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10355216
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987477 (13746531334677)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
alter EXT_cen,ioextseqno 18257,ioextrba 10355216,thread 1
info ext_cen,showch
GGSCI (IBM_P740-3) 9> info ext_cen,showch
EXTRACT EXT_CEN Last Started 2014-04-12 17:39 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs
2014-04-15 13:56:41 Seqno 18257, RBA 10356224
SCN 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Current Checkpoint Detail:
Read Checkpoint #1
Oracle Redo Log
Startup Checkpoint (starting position in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18171
RBA: 38392336
Timestamp: 2014-04-12 17:39:22.000000
SCN: 3200.2634381277 (13746529728477)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo03.log
Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10355216
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987477 (13746531334677)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10356224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
BR Previous Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 0
Sequence #: 0
RBA: 0
Timestamp: 2014-04-12 17:39:49.370711
SCN: Not available
Redo File:
BR Begin Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 7540224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:40:48.000000
SCN: 3200.2635983297 (13746531330497)
Redo File:
BR End Recovery Checkpoint:
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 7540224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:40:48.000000
SCN: 3200.2635983297 (13746531330497)
Redo File:
Write Checkpoint #1
GGS Log Trail
Current Checkpoint (current write position):
Sequence #: 79
RBA: 212814411
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:47.153573
Extract Trail: ./dirdat/et
Trail Type: EXTTRAIL
Version = 2
Record Source = A
Type = 10
# Input Checkpoints = 1
# Output Checkpoints = 1
File Information:
Block Size = 2048
Max Blocks = 100
Record Length = 2048
Current Offset = 0
Data Source = 3
Transaction Integrity = 1
Task Type = 0
Start Time = 2014-04-12 17:39:49
Last Update Time = 2014-04-15 13:56:47
Stop Status = A
Last Result = 400
add ext ext_cen, tranlog, begin now, threads 1
Write Checkpoint #1
GGS Log Trail
Current Checkpoint (current write position):
Sequence #: 79
RBA: 212814411
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:47.153573
Extract Trail: ./dirdat/et
Trail Type: EXTTRAIL
Version = 2
Record Source = A
Type = 10
# Input Checkpoints = 1
# Output Checkpoints = 1
File Information:
Block Size = 2048
Max Blocks = 100
Record Length = 2048
Current Offset = 0
Data Source = 3
Transaction Integrity = 1
Task Type = 0
Start Time = 2014-04-12 17:39:49
Last Update Time = 2014-04-15 13:56:47
Stop Status = A
Last Result = 400
ADD EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/et, EXTRACT ext_cen, megabytes 100, seqno 79, rba212814411
如果出現GoldenGate識別順序與資料庫實際情況不一樣,那麼接下來的ALTER EXT命令就要替換相應的THREAD引數
修改抽取程式的current checkpoint資訊。
接下來的操作為修改抽取程式的current checkpoint,由於此操作會觸發recovery checkpoint資訊變更,因此必須先於recovery checkpoint調整。
Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10356224
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987478 (13746531334678)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
alter EXT_cen,extseqno 18257,103562249194144,thread 1
修改抽取程式的recovery checkpoint資訊。
Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source):
Thread #: 1
Sequence #: 18257
RBA: 10355216
Timestamp: 2014-04-15 13:56:41.000000
SCN: 3200.2635987477 (13746531334677)
Redo File: /sdata4/ngcen/redo02.log
alter EXT_cen,ioextseqno 18257,ioextrba 10355216,thread 1
info ext_cen,showch
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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