-- 第一部分_建立資料庫PrimaryDB01
use master;
create database PrimaryDB01
on primary
name =PrimaryDB01_data01,
name =PrimaryDB01_data02,
name = PrimaryDB01_log01,
filename ='c:\PrimaryDB01_log01.ldf'
name =PrimaryDB_log02,
filename ='c:\SQL2008\PrimaryDB01_log02.ldf'
-- 第二部分
use PrimaryDB01;
create table tab01(id int) --建立表tab01,插入資料
insert into tab01 values(1);
insert into tab01 values(2);
insert into tab01 values(3);
create table tab02(name varchar(25));--建立表tab02,插入資料
insert into tab02 values('a');
insert into tab02 values('b');
insert into tab02 values('c');
use PrimaryDB01;
-- 資料庫PrimaryDB01進行full backup
backup database PrimaryDB01 to disk='c:\PrimaryDB01_data.bak' with format;
--檔案備份後 對資料庫資料進行災難模擬處理
/*1 模擬丟失資料檔案,還原後資料庫資料的丟失情況*/
use PrimaryDB01;
create table tab03(id int);
insert into tab03 values(1);
--1 首先需要備份當前的日誌
backup log PrimaryDB01 to disk ='c:\PrimaryDB01_log.bak' with format,no_truncate;
By default, when you perform. a transaction log backup from the SQL Server Enterprise Manager Backup Database dialog box, the Remove inactive entries from transaction log checkbox under the Options tab is selected so the backup should be performed without the NO_TRUNCATE option. However, if you perform. the backup and you do not click the Options tab, the server issues the backup log statement with the NO_TRUNCATE option so the entries for completed transactions are not removed from the transaction log upon completion of the backup. If you click the Options tab before you perform. the backup, the server issues the backup log statement without the NO_TRUNCATE option as expected.
use master;
--2 利用fullbackup 恢復被破壞的檔案
restore database PrimaryDB01 from disk='c:\PrimaryDB01_data.bak' with norecovery;
--3 利用備份的日誌檔案還原到破壞點
restore database PrimaryDB01 from disk='c:\PrimaryDB01_log.bak' with recovery;
select *from tab03;--------------結果顯示資料沒有丟失、正確利用了Log備份檔案
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24867586/viewspace-710854/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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